(A) No person shall keep or harbor any dog within the city which, by frequent and habitual barking, howling or yelping, creates unreasonably loud and disturbing noises of such a character, intensity and duration as to disturb the peace, quiet and good order of one or more of the inhabitants of two or more separate residences.
(B) Any person who shall allow any dog habitually to remain, be lodged or fed within any dwelling, yard or enclosure which he or she occupies or owns shall be considered as harboring the dog.
(Prior Code, § 90.16) (Ord. passed 9-4-1984) Penalty, see § 90.99
(A) Every police officer, peace officer or other authorized official shall have the authority to apprehend any dog running at large in violation of this chapter and to impound such dog or have such dog impounded in the appropriate place.
(B) It shall be the duty of every police officer to obtain the name of the owner or keeper and to issue a citation for the owner’s or keeper’s appearance in court.
(Prior Code, § 90.17) (Ord. passed 6-21-1982)
(A) It shall be unlawful to keep at any one residence within the city limits more than five dogs with the exception that the owner(s) who has custody of the dog may retain the puppies born of the dog which exceeds the permissible numbers set forth within this section for a period of 12 weeks after birth of the animals. Any retention of dogs in excess of the number will result in violation.
(B) Any establishment or person who owns or maintains five or more unaltered domestic dogs of the same species for the purpose of breeding, buying, selling, showing, companionship and/or boarding within the city shall be deemed a business.
(C) Any establishment, as described in division (B) above, located within the city limits, shall be compliant, at all times, with the Animal Welfare Act, being 7 U.S.C. §§ 2131 et seq.
(D) The establishment will be subject to unannounced inspections at any time from federal, state and local officials; as well as doctors of veterinarian medicine. Any fees incurred from the inspection will be the responsibility of the establishment at the time of the inspection.
(Prior Code, § 90.19) (Ord. passed 9-11-2006) Penalty, see § 90.99