   (A)    Any person who intends to operate a golf cart on any city street within the limits shall have the golf cart initially inspected by the County Sheriff or his or her designee to ensure the golf cart is in compliance with the requirements of this subchapter. Such inspection is subject to a fee as set forth in KRS 189.286(3).
   (B)   The city shall also issue a permit for the operation of a golf cart within the city and a sticker or decal shall be displayed at all times. Golf carts which bare an official permit issued by the city shall be numbered and affixed to the lower left side (driver's side) of the windshield of the vehicle. The City Clerk shall prepare an application form for the special permit and charge a yearly fee $25 for each permit issued annually. Subsequent renewals of the permit shall be due on or before January 1 of each year. Any initial permits or renewal permits issued after January 1 shall not be prorated and shall be subject to the full and entire yearly permit fee of $25. Insurance and proof of inspection by a certified inspector shall be presented prior to issuance of the first official permit issued for a specific golf cart. Following the initial inspection associated with a specific golf cart by a certified inspector, the requirements for subsequent renewal of the permit described herein shall be the completion of an application, proof of insurance, and the fee of $25.
(Ord. 2011-2, passed 3-19-2012; Ord. 2020-06, passed 9-17-2020)
    Pursuant to KRS 189.286(2), the city may authorize and regulate the operation of a golf cart on any public roadway under its jurisdiction if it adopts an ordinance specifying each roadway that is open for golf cart use. Accordingly, golf carts meeting the requirements set forth herein are allowed to be used on any local roadway that meet the speed limitations and are under the jurisdiction of the city. Notwithstanding, the city expressly reserves the right to restrict the usage of said golf carts on certain roadways falling within its jurisdiction.
(Ord. 2011-2, passed 3-19-2012; Ord. 2020-06, passed 9-17-2020)
§ 73.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Whoever violates any provision of this chapter where there is not a penalty already provided shall be deemed to have committed a violation and shall be fined not more than $50 for each offense.
   (B)   If any individual is charged with violating § 73.05 of this chapter, the penalty for the first offense shall be $10. The penalty for the second offense shall be $25. The penalty for the third offense shall be $50 and/or confiscation of the motor vehicle.
(Prior Code, § 73.99)
   (C)   Any person violating the provisions of §§ 73.20 through 73.24 of this chapter shall, upon conviction of a first offense, be fined not less than $100, nor more than $250. Any person convicted of a subsequent violation of §§ 73.20 through 73.24 of this chapter within two years of a prior conviction under §§ 73.20 through 73.24 of this chapter shall be fined not less than $250, nor more than $500.
(Ord. passed 4-16-1990; Ord. 2011-2, passed 3-19-2012; Ord. 2020-06, passed 9-17-2020)