(A)   The yard line, which is the line running from the existing sewer line to the building served, shall be installed by the individual whose building is served with such sewer service.
   (B)   Such yard line shall meet the following requirements.
      (1)   Yard lines shall be of recommended material free from defects, such as vitrified clay pipe in four-foot lengths where possible, and shall be recommended joint style, cement asbestos, bituminous fiber or cast iron. All horizontal piping shall be run in practical alignment and at a uniform grade of not less than one-eighth inch per foot. Any change made in direction shall be made by the appropriate use of 45-degree wyes, half wyes, quarter, sixth, eighth or sixteenth bends. Yard lines shall have adequate cover to protect them from mechanical damage. Any yard line not having a minimum of 12 inches of cover, not otherwise protected, shall be of cast iron.
      (2)   Any change in size of or type of pipe shall be with approved fitting. Any plumber, upon completion of a yard line, shall prepare a sketch or drawing in duplicate (scale not less than one-fourth inch to ten feet), showing yard line in detail, such as turns, wyes, cleanouts and the like, in relation to other buildings or permanent markers. One copy of the sketch shall be given to the property owner and one copy to the individual making the inspection.
      (3)   All work on yard lines is to be performed in a workmanlike manner and in no case shall any portion of yard line be back-filled without consent of the inspector in writing.
(Prior Code, § 50.42) (Ord. passed 4-9-1964) Penalty, see § 50.999