1291.06 SIGNS.
   (a)   Signage for marihuana facilities and establishments shall comply with the requirements of the City of Davison Sign Ordinance (Chapter 1292) and the requirements of this Section. All signage and advertising for a marihuana facility or establishment shall also comply with all applicable provisions of this Code and the State of Michigan. When there is a conflict between the City's Sign Ordinance, this Ordinance and state standards, the more restrictive standards shall control.
   (b)   Marihuana facilities and establishments may not use exterior signage or displays with neon, flashing lights, or similarly noxious or obtrusive lighting or effects. Facilities may not use exterior signage or displays that contain an image of a marihuana leaf or other commonly recognized symbol for marijuana or which utilize any of the following words: marijuana, marihuana, weed, cannabis, blunt, doobie, joint, hooch, hash, or other similar slang term for marihuana or marihuana-related products.
(Ord. 2020-05. Passed 7-13-20; Ord. 2022-04. Passed 5-9-22.)