An application in such form as prepared by the City shall be completed and submitted as set forth in this section. The applicant shall provide all the information and documentation required by the City to enable the City to make an informed decision with regard to its criteria for authorizing right-of-way access including the following:
   (a)   A certificate of compliance with FCC rules related to radio frequency emissions from a small cell wireless facility.
   (b)   If the proposed activity will occur within shared or overlapping rights-of-way, proof of notification to every other affected jurisdiction and all necessary permits, permit applications, or easements to ensure all necessary permissions for the proposed activity are obtained.
   (c)   An attestation that the small cell wireless facilities will be operational for use by a wireless services provider within one year after the permit issuance date. Failure to abide by this term shall result in termination of any permit issued in reliance on such attestation.
   (d)   An applicant may, at the applicant's discretion, file a consolidated application and receive a single permit for the colocation of up to twenty small cell wireless facilities within the City. The small cell wireless facilities within a consolidated application must consist of substantially similar equipment and be placed on similar types of utility poles or wireless support structures. The City may approve a permit for one or more small cell wireless facilities included in a consolidated application and deny a permit for the remaining small cell facilities.
   (e)   The application for a permit under this section shall be accompanied by an application fee as set by resolution of the City from time to time.
   (f)   The permit application shall be accompanied by a map(s) for any proposed small cell wireless facilities which shall be legible, to scale, labeled with streets, and contain sufficient detail to precisely identify the proposed small cell wireless facilities' locations and surroundings. Where applicable, the required map(s) shall include and identify any requested pole height(s), all attachments and detailed drawings of any attachment, and the locations of underground utilities and surface features.
   (g)   The applicant shall field-stake all proposed locations for small cell wireless facilities which shall be subject to the advance approval of the City of Davison, Genesee County Road Commission and/or the Michigan Department of Transportation as applicable. All approved small cell wireless facilities' locations shall be on a per pole/equipment/other basis.
   (h)   Once precise locations have been approved, the applicant shall provide latitude and longitude coordinates for the small cell wireless facilities' locations to the City's building department as well as detailed as-built drawings within 90 days of the completion of installation.
   (i)   The applicant shall be responsible to obtain such other permits and approvals as otherwise required by law. A provider shall obtain a permit for any work that will affect traffic patterns or obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic in the right-of-way.
(Ord. 2020-02. Passed 3-9-20.)