All developments in the City shall comply with the Standards and Specifications for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control, as adopted by the County Soil Conservation District.
   (a)   Compliance with Standards. No site plan, except for single-family residential structures which must meet standards approved for the plat, shall be approved unless it includes soil erosion and sediment control measures in accordance with the technical standards of the County Soil Conservation District. No certificate for occupancy of any building shall be granted unless and until all needed erosion control measures have been completed or substantially provided for in accordance with this chapter and the standards and specifications of the County Soil Conservation District. The developer shall bear the full responsibility for the installation and construction of all required erosion control measures according to the provisions of this chapter and the standards and specifications of the County Soil Conservation District.
   (b)   Data Required. The developer must submit to the Building Official and to the County the following data for the entire tract of land, whether or not the tract will be developed in stages:
      (1)   A boundary line survey of the site on which the work is to be performed;
      (2)   A description of the features, existing and proposed, surrounding the site and which are important to the proposed development;
      (3)   General topographic and soil conditions on the site available from the County Planning Department or the County Soil Conservation District;
      (4)   The location and description of existing and future man-made features of importance to the proposed development;
      (5)   Plans and specifications of soil erosion and sedimentation control measures in accordance with standards and specifications of the County Soil Conservation District; and
      (6)   A timing schedule indicating the anticipated starting and completion dates of the development sequence and the time of exposure of each area prior to the completion of effective erosion and sediment control measures.
   (c)   Grading Permit. A grading permit valid for not more than six months, unless extended by a new application as provided for in the BOCA Basic Building Code, as adopted in Section 1420.01, shall be required for each development. This permit may not be issued without the approval of the Building Official.
   (d)   General Design Principals. Practical combinations of the following general principals will provide effective sediment control when properly planned and applied:
      (1)   The development plan shall be fitted to the topography and soils so as to create the least erosion potential.
      (2)   Permanent vegetation and improvements, such as streets, storm sewers and other features of the development, capable of carrying storm run-off in a safe manner, shall be scheduled for installation to the greatest extent possible before removing the vegetative cover from an area.
      (3)   Wherever feasible, natural vegetation shall be retained and protected.
      (4)   Where inadequate vegetation exists, temporary or permanent vegetation shall be established.
      (5)   The smallest practical area of land shall be exposed at any one time during development.
      (6)   When land is exposed during development, the exposure shall be kept to the shortest practical period of time.
      (7)   Critical areas exposed during construction shall be protected with temporary vegetation and/or mulching.
      (8)   Sediment basins (debris basins, desilting basins or silt traps) shall be installed and maintained to remove sediment from run-off waters from land undergoing development.
      (9)   Provisions shall be made to effectively accommodate the increasing run-off caused by changed soil and surface conditions during and after development.
      (10)   The permanent final vegetation and structures shall be installed as soon as practical in the development.
   (e)   Development Standards. All development plans, specifications and timing schedules, including extensions of previously approved plans, shall include provisions for erosion and sediment control in accordance with the standards and specifications established by the County Soil Conservation District.
      Technical standards for the design and installation of erosion and sediment control measures shall be on file at the County Soil Conservation District office in Flint, Michigan, and with the Building Official of the City.
   (f)   Maintenance. Individuals or developers carrying out soil erosion and sediment control measures under this chapter, and all subsequent owners of property on which such measures have been installed, shall adequately maintain all permanent erosion control measures, devices and plantings in effective working condition.
(Ord. 78-7. Passed 9-25-78.)