Flood Plain Areas
1466.01   Purpose.
1466.02   Definitions.
1466.03   Warning and disclaimer of liability.
1466.04   Determination of flood plain area.
1466.05   General provisions of the floodway and floodway fringe areas.
1466.06   Permitted uses by right in the floodway area.
1466.07   Uses permitted by special use permit in the floodway area.
1466.08   Requirements for special use permits for uses in the floodway area.
1466.09   Standards for special use permits within the floodway area.
1466.10   Permitted uses by right in the floodway fringe area.
1466.11   Uses permitted by special use permit in the floodway fringe area.
1466.12   Requirements for special use permits for uses in the floodway fringe area.
1466.13   Standards for special use permits within the floodway fringe area.
1466.14   Mobile homes and mobile home parks and subdivisions located in flood plain areas.
1466.15   Variances.
1466.16   Permitted uses by right in the ground water recharge area.
1466.17   Uses permitted by special use permit in the ground water recharge area.
1466.18   Requirements for special use permits for uses in the ground water recharge area.
1466.19   Standards for special use permits within the ground water recharge area.
1466.20   Plans for control of soil erosion.
1466.21   Conflict of laws.
1466.22   Relationship of chapter to State and Federal law.
1466.99   Penalty.
   City control of use of watercourses - see CHTR. Sec. 17.2
   Easements for watercourses - see P. & Z. 1248.28
   Watercourses in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1250.08
   FP Floodplain Protection Overlay Districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 1286