(a)   The collective provision of off-street parking for two (2) or more structures or uses is permitted provided that the number of spaces provided collectively is not less than the sum of the requirements for various individual uses, except as provided below.
   (b)   The total of such off-street parking facilities for joint or collective use may be reduced by the Planning Commission in accordance with the following rules and standards:
      (1)   Use for which the collective off-street parking facilities are to serve shall either operate during different hours of the day or night, or shall have peak hour parking demands that do not coincide.
      (2)   Not more than fifty (50) percent of the off-street parking facilities required for churches, bowling alleys, dance halls, and establishments for sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, food, or refreshments may be supplied by off-street parking facilities provided for other buildings.
   (c)   A legally sufficient written license agreement assuring the joint usage of said common parking for the combination of uses or buildings shall be properly drawn and executed by the parties concerned, approved as to form and execution by the Planning Commission and the City Attorney, filed with the register of deeds, and made part of the application for a building permit.
(Res. 24-95. Passed 2-13-95.)