Off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each land use activity in accordance with the following schedule.
Table 1290-A
Parking Space Requirements
Type of Use
Number of Spaces
Table 1290-A
Parking Space Requirements
Type of Use
Number of Spaces
Assembly Halls, Churches, Mortuaries, Religious Institutions, Theaters, and Similar Structures
One (1) per three (3) seats or one (1) per 21 square feet of assembly space, whichever will require the larger amount of parking spaces
Beauty or Barber Shops
One (1) per 100 square feet of floor area
Bowling Alleys
Two (2) per lane, but no less than 15
Business Offices (except as otherwise specified herein)
One (1) per 75 square feet of floor area, but not less than four (4)
Colleges without Dormitory Facilities
Ten (10) per classroom, one (1) per three (3) permanent seats, or one (1) per 21 square feet of assembly hall space in each assembly hall, whichever will require the larger amount of parking spaces
Convalescent Homes/Homes for the Aged
One (1) per bed
High Schools and Colleges with Dormitory Facilities
Four and one half (4.5) per classroom, one (1) per three (3) permanent seats, or one (1) per 21 square feet of assembly hall space in each assembly hall, whichever will require the larger amount of parking spaces
2.25 per bed
One (1) per rooming unit
Indoor Recreation Facilities
One (1) per 50 square feet of activity area
Medical and Dental Clinics
1.33 per 100 square feet of floor area, but not
less than ten (10)
Nursery Schools, Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools
One (1) per classroom, one (1 ) per three (3) permanent seats, or one (1) per 21 square feet of assembly hall space in each assembly hall, whichever will require the larger amount of parking spaces
Professional Offices of Architects, Attorneys, Accountants, Engineers, Real Estate Brokers, Etc.
One (1) per 100 square feet of floor area but not less than three (3)
Restaurants and Bars
One (1) per 30 square feet of sales area
Retail Stores (except as otherwise specified herein)
One (1) per 100 square feet of sales area, but not less than five (5)
Retail Stores selling: Appliances, Furniture, Motor Vehicles, Hardware, Lumber and Building Materials
One (1) per 300 square feet of sales area, but not less than ten (10)
Rooming Houses (Multi-Family Dwellings), Fraternity Houses, etc.
One (1) per bed or one (1) per each 100 square feet, whichever will require the larger amount of parking spaces
Service Shops (Personal Services & Business Services)
One (1) per 30 square feet of sales area, but no less than three (3)
Service Stations (Vehicle Repair)
One (1) per ten (10) square feet of office area plus two (2) per hoist, but not less than five (5)
Stadiums and Sport Arenas
One (1) per four (4) seats
Swimming Pools
One (1) per three (3) seats, or one (1) per 40 square feet of pool surface, whichever will require the larger amount of parking spaces
Travel Trailer Parks
One (1) per site
*For those not specifically mentioned, the requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be in accordance with a use which the Building Official considers similar in type.
(Res. 24-95. Passed 2-13-95; Ord. 2023-08. Passed 7-24-23.)