(a)   During the site plan review procedure, as required in this Zoning Code, all required public services shall be documented by the developer as to adequate capacity and compatible patterns with off-site systems, both existing and planned. Approvals will be granted upon demonstration that the intended project will not exceed intended capacities or adversely affect off-site users. The applicant, prior to formal submission for site plan review, shall set forth his or her requirements for required public service as follows:
      (1)   The number of total vehicles generated by the proposed project (by required parking spaces); and
      (2)   The demand load generated by the proposed project for, but not limited to, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and street lighting services. The developer shall request of the respective City departments providing such services a statement indicating the adequacy of the existing or proposed services. If services as proposed will be adequate, approval may be granted conditional upon availability on this portion of the application.
         If a proposed project requires services in excess of existing and proposed services, approval of a portion of the project (as determined by the least available service) may be granted. The applicant, in this event, may either request additional services and receive approval granted conditional upon availability or elect to provide such services at his or her expense, developed as public services in accordance with City standards for such services, and which, upon satisfactory completion thereof, may be accepted by Council. A three-year maintenance bond shall be furnished for all such streets and any other publicly owned facilities in the project installed by the developer, including, but not limited to, sidewalks, water mains and appurtenances, and sanitary and storm sewer lines and their appurtenances.
         Should the Planning Commission determine that the services of an engineer, architect or planning consultant are necessary to properly evaluate a proposed site plan and related documents for a condominium project, the cost of such services shall be reimbursed by the developer prior to the granting of project approval. Such costs shall be reasonable for the services rendered.
   (b)   All nonpublic service drives, driveways and parking areas shall be suitably paved and drained into a project storm sewer system connected to that of the City. All streets, both public and private, shall be constructed in accordance with the Streets, Utilities and Public Services Code.
   (c)   Storm sewer connections shall be provided to all buildings in accordance with the Streets, Utilities and Public Services Code.
   (d)   Sidewalks shall be required adjacent to all project perimeter streets and on both sides of all public streets within the project. Location and construction shall be as specified in the Subdivision Regulations and the Streets, Utilities and Public Services Code. Additional pedestrian walkways shall be furnished in order to provide adequate pedestrian circulation within the project. Such walkways shall be constructed in accordance with the Streets, Utilities and Public Services Code.
   (e)   Of the total open space within the project, the portion planned and/or maintained for the recreational use of condominium members may, after development, be given to the City as a public park, provided that Council agrees to accept the same. Council shall not accept any such parcel unless it is so situated as to be readily used by the general public and maintained by the City and unless it conforms to the Davison Community Master Plan prepared by Wade-Trim/Associates.
(Res. 24-95. Passed 2-13-95.)