(a)   Purpose. It is the intent of this section to specify certain materials which must be prepared and submitted by land developers to assist the City in determining if the proposed development is in compliance with local ordinances and State and Federal statutes, which are enacted to protect wildlife, preserve ecologically important features, and retain environmental resources.
   (b)   "Natural Resources" Defined. As used in this section, "natural resources" shall include:
      (1)   Archaeological finds.
      (2)   Endangered species habitat.
      (3)   Floodplain, 100-year. An area which has a one (1) percent chance of flood occurrence in any given year.
      (4)   Hedgerow. A row of eight (8) or more trees having a four (4) inch or more diameter at four (4) feet. (The drip-line of the trees defines the land area of a hedgerow.)
      (5)   Ponds and lakes. A natural or artificial impoundment of water that retains water year-round.
      (6)   Steep slopes. Slopes equal to or exceeding a grade of thirty-three (33) percent or a 3:1 ratio of run over rise.
      (7)   Wetlands. Land where standing water is retained for a portion of the year and does support wetland vegetation or aquatic life and is commonly referred to as a bog, swamp, or marsh.
      (8)   Woodlot. An area of one-quarter (1/4) acre or more containing eight (8) or more trees per one-quarter (1/4) acre having a four (4)-inch or more diameter at a four (4) foot height.
   (c)   Applicability. In any zoning district, no natural resource shall be altered, changed, transformed, or otherwise varied by any person except as provided by this Zoning Code, and such person having submitted to the City Planning Commission the required data, exhibits, and information as hereafter required.
   (d)   Information and Data Required. The submission of a site plan review as provided by Chapter 1262 of this Zoning Code shall be accompanied by a natural resources analysis, which shall be submitted by and at the expense of the petitioner. Submission shall be made concurrently with the payment of site plan review fees.
   The natural resources analysis shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
      (1)   Site conditions of the subject property indicating the location, size, and type of existing natural resources. Such information shall be displayed on a map in relation to the subject parcel's property lines and existing development pattern.
      (2)   A project description which, in narrative form, shall describe the proposed development in terms of use, density, building coverage, height, gross floor area, number of units, parking, landscaping, internal site circulation, traffic to be generated, and other applicable design features.
      (3)   A full analysis and description of the proposed project's impact on the natural resources existing on the site. This analysis shall include an evaluation of alternatives to affecting the natural resources in terms of alternative site location or actions. The analysis shall also assess the impact of affecting the natural resources in terms of the natural environment (topography, habitat, hazards, etc.), social concerns (aesthetics, historic and cultural values, etc.), economic aspects (employment opportunities created, tax base, land use pattern, etc.), and legal constraints (permits required, intergovernmental review, conformance with local plans/ordinances, etc.). These factors shall be evaluated in terms of both positive and negative impacts, direct and indirect impacts, as well as long-term versus short-term effects.
         The applicant shall identify measures to mitigate or eliminate negative effects to natural resources as identified in this subsection.
   (e)   Waiver; Appeals. The requirements for a natural resources analysis, as provided above, may be waived by the Planning Commission, upon appeal and by showing of the applicant that the proposed development will not alter, change, transform, or otherwise vary any natural resource contained on the subject parcel.
   (f)   Exclusions. The development of detached single-family units on an individual basis is hereby excluded from the requirements of this section.
   The requirements contained herein shall not relieve the project's sponsor from complying with other land development or environmental standards established by other public agencies having jurisdiction.
(Res. 24-95. Passed 2-13-95.)