(a)   Performance Standards. No person shall construct or utilize any direct access driveway which does not meet the following criteria:
      (1)   Any driveway design utilized must allow an entering vehicle turning speed of fifteen (15) mph to help reduce interference with through street traffic.
      (2)   Driveway design and placement must be in harmony with internal circulation and parking design such that the entrance can absorb the maximum rate of inbound traffic during a normal weekday peak traffic period as determined by a competent traffic survey.
      (3)   There must be sufficient on-site storage (sixty (60) feet minimum) to accommodate at least three (3) lined-up vehicles waiting to park or exit without utilizing any portion of the street right-of-way or in any other way interfering with street traffic.
      (4)   Provision for circulation between adjacent parcels should be provided through coordinated or collective parking marginal access drives, or other methods.
      (5)   Driveway entrances must be able to accommodate all vehicle types having occasion to enter the site, including delivery vehicles.
      (6)   Driveway placement must be such that loading and unloading activities will in no way hinder vehicle ingress and egress.
      (7)   Direct access driveway placement must be such that an exiting vehicle has an unobstructed sight distance according to the following schedule:
Roadway Design Speed (mph)
Sight Distance (ft.)
      (8)   Driveway design must be such that an entering vehicle will not encroach upon the exit lane of a two-way driveway. Also, a right turning exiting vehicle shall be able to utilize only the first through-traffic lane available without encroachment into the adjacent through lane.
   (b)   Design Criteria.
      (1)   Driveway profiles.
         A.   The grade of a two-way, one-way or divided commercial driveway shall not exceed four (4) percent for a minimum distance of twenty-five (25) feet from the edge of the pavement. Beyond this distance the grade shall not exceed ten (10) percent.
         B.   If the street is curbed and if the sidewalk is ten (10) feet or less from the edge of the pavement, the grade of a driveway shall be the grade required to meet the sidewalk elevation, but if that grade would exceed the maximums specified in paragraph (b)(1)A. hereof, the sidewalk shall be inclined, per the regulations in paragraph (b)(1)F. hereof.
         C.   If the street is uncurbed, the grade of the driveway between the street edge of pavement and the edge of the shoulder shall conform to the slope of the shoulder to the edge of the driveway approach. From that point the dimensions specified in paragraph (b)(1)D. hereof will apply.
         D.   For a driveway on an upgrade towards the street, a grade of four (4) percent for a distance of one hundred (100) feet from the edge of the pavement is required. Beyond this distance, the grade shall not exceed ten (10) percent and the difference in grades where there is a change of grade shall not exceed three (3) percent.
         E.   Vertical curves with a minimum length of fifty (50) feet, as measured along the arc, shall be provided at a change of grade of four (4) percent or more.
         F.   If the sidewalk elevation has to be adjusted to meet the driveway, the sidewalk shall be inclined at a rate not to exceed one (1) foot vertical for every twenty-four (24) feet horizontal.
      (2)   Driveway spacing and design.
         A.   Each parcel shall be limited to one (1) access drive on a fronting road, unless a second drive is shared with an adjacent parcel, or subject to the conditions of paragraph (b)(2)B. hereof.
         B.   For uses that have driveway approach volumes exceeding five thousand (5,000) vehicles per day, or arterial frontage of three hundred (300) feet or more, additional driveways may be allowed, in accordance with the following: one (1) additional driveway entrance along a continuous site with frontage in excess of three hundred (300) feet, or two (2) additional driveway entrances along a continuous site with frontage in excess of six hundred (600) feet.
         C.   Two (2)-way driveways shall be at least twenty-four (24) feet wide. One (1)-way driveways shall be at least sixteen (16) feet wide.
         D.   For uses which generate exit volumes of more than five thousand (5,000) vehicles per day, two (2) exit lanes shall be provided, separated by a median, and shall be clearly marked for left or right turns.
         E.   Commercial access drives shall be spaced no less than two hundred (200) feet from any street intersection or other access drive, and no less than seventy-five (75) feet from any residential zoning district. Spacing will be measured from the midpoint of each driveway. In the event that a particular parcel or parcels lack sufficient arterial frontage to maintain adequate spacing, the land owner(s) may pursue either of the following options:
            1.   They may seek a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals in accordance with Chapter 1264.
            2.   The adjacent land owners may agree to establish a common driveway. In such case the driveway mid-point should be the property line between the two (2) parcels. The driveway must meet standard specifications, and the estimated driveway volume will be the sum of the trip generation rates of both land uses in question.
               When two (2) adjacent property owners agree to combine access points, the Municipality will grant an incentive bonus. The total lot size and road frontage normally required will each be reduced by ten (10) percent for both land owners. In addition, the required number of parking spaces will be reduced by ten (10) percent for each development.
(Res. 24-95. Passed 2-13-95.)