(a)   Building Placement.
      (1)   Build to lines.
         A.   For all new buildings or additions to the front or street side of existing buildings located on Main Street, from Mill Street to Third Street, to the front or street side of existing buildings fifty percent (50%) of the front or street side facade area of the first floor, or first and second floors in buildings with more than one (1) floor shall extend to within five (5) feet of the street right-of-way line so that the building visually reinforces the building facade line of the street. The building may be set back from the front or street side property line when specifically approved by the Planning Commission so as to accommodate shop entrances, arcades, plazas, sidewalk cafes, other approved design amenities or landscaping.
         B.   For all new buildings or additions to the front or street side of existing buildings located on Main Street, from Third Street to Flint Street shall be located at an eight (8) foot front yard setback or in accordance with the established building line.
         C.   Corner lots should place the building at both street fronts.
         D.   Buildings located on parcels which have double frontage or through-lots shall be located so that the building fronts the primary street.
      (2)   Off-street private parking shall not be the dominant feature of the site. Off-street parking is not permitted within ten (10) feet of the established building line.
   (b)   Lot Requirements.
      (1)   There is no maximum lot coverage.
      (2)   There is no minimum lot size.
      (3)   There is no minimum lot width.
      (4)   All properties are required to provide pedestrian access and accommodation as follows:
         A.   The building front (a through lot shall be considered to have two (2) building fronts) shall provide a minimum of ten (10) feet of pedestrian space, with six (6) feet used for pedestrian movement and the remaining four (4) feet used for street furniture; contingent upon approval by City Council.
      (5)   No rear or sideyard setback is required except when adjacent to a residential district. The side and rear yard of a nonresidential use which abuts a residential district shall be landscaped to provide a visual screen between districts. The extent of the screening shall be based on the distance between the parking area and/or the building to the property line, with the exception that the Planning Commission may require additional screening from parking areas and headlights if trespass by lighting or vehicle headlights is a concern:
         A.   Fifty (50) feet or more from building and/or parking area to the nearest residential property line, a buffer of maintained and seeded lawn is required along with one (1) tree or two (2) shrubs for each thirty (30) lineal feet.
         B.   Thirty (30) feet but less than fifty (50) feet from building and/or parking area to the nearest residential property line, a buffer of maintained and seeded lawn or ground cover with three (3) foot tall with a slope no greater than three to one (3:1) with two (2) trees or four (4) shrubs installed within said buffer for each thirty (30) lineal feet.
         C.   Fifteen (15) feet but less than thirty (30) feet from building and/or parking area to the nearest residential property line, an opaque fence six (6) feet in height with one (1) tree or two (2) shrubs shall be planted every thirty (30) lineal feet.
         D.   A minimum of five (5) feet but less than fifteen (15) feet from building and/or parking area to the nearest residential property line, a buffer screen no less than five (5) feet in width and six (6) feet in height shall be established, consisting of tree plantings, hedges, and an opaque fence or wall that is consistent with the materials and colors used on site.
(Res. 2007-02. Passed 7-11-07.)