Structures and parts thereof may be erected, altered or used, and land may be used, for one (1) or more of the following purposes, subject to the approval of the Planning Commission and subject to the conditional use provisions of Chapter 1262 and the design review provisions of Chapter 1263:
   (a)   All conditional uses permitted and under the same conditions set forth in the A-2 Residential District.
   (b)   Adult foster care large group homes consisting of thirteen (13) to twenty (20) residents and subject to the following:
      (1)   A State-licensed adult foster care facility shall not be located within fifteen hundred (1,500) feet of another similar State-licensed facility.
      (2)   One (1) on-site parking space shall be provided for each employee in addition to the parking required in Chapter 1290 for the dwelling unit or other accessory uses.
      (3)   A designated passenger loading/unloading area of adequate dimensions shall be provided near a barrier-free entrance to the facility.
      (4)   A loading/unloading area of adequate dimensions shall be provided for delivery vehicles servicing the facility.
      (5)   A landscaped buffer shall be provided along all property lines that abut a less intense land use and around the visible perimeters of all parking and loading/unloading areas.
      (6)   All exterior lighting of entryways, parking spaces, or loading/unloading areas shall not reflect onto adjacent properties and, preferably, should be motion activated.
      (7)   If the proposal does not meet any of the above criteria, a variance may be sought according to the procedures outlined in this Zoning Code.
(Res. 24-95. Passed 2-13-95; Ord. 2005-06. Passed 8-8-05.)