(a)   Process. The Zoning Administrator may review and approve plot plans or some amendments to site plans without submission to the Planning Commission. After a plot plan has been submitted, the applicable fees have been paid, and the plan is approved by the Zoning Administrator unless the power to grant approvals for the requested use is deferred to another party, as outlined in Table 1262-A , they will issue a zoning permit pursuant to Chapter 1262 . The Zoning Administrator is permitted to defer the authority to approve plot plans to the Planning Commission if, in the Zoning Administrator's discretion, they determine that the submitted plot plan could potentially negatively impact the health, safety, or welfare of site users and/or adjacent properties.
   (b)   Data Required. The Plot Plan, drawn to scale shall contain the following items and shall be submitted with an application form provided by the City. The Zoning Administrator may waive any of the plot plan requirements listed below when they find those requirements are not applicable or necessary.
Table 1262-B - Plot Plan Requirements
Table 1262-B - Plot Plan Requirements
Address or legal description of the property where the proposed use will occur.
Contact Information
Name, address, email, and telephone number of the property owner(s), applicant(s), and designer(s), and their interest in the property.
Legal Possession
Proof of legal possession of the land for the proposed such as a lease, a signed purchase agreement, or deed.
Property Lines
The shape, location, and dimensions of the lot and property lines, drawn to scale. When deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator, a survey may be required. The scale, north arrow, and date.*
Location of required setbacks of the zoning district.
Structures and Materials
The location, shape, dimensions, and height of all structures or impervious surfaces to be erected, altered or moved onto the lot and of any building or other structure already on the lot, drawn to scale. The materials out of which the proposed construction is to be made. In addition, an elevation drawing of the proposed building(s) may be required by the Zoning Administrator in order to measure the height of the proposed structures.
The location and configuration of the lot access and driveway, drawn to scale.
Type of Use
The existing and intended use of the lot and of all such structures upon it, including, in residential areas, the number of dwelling units the building is intended to accommodate.
Rights-of-Way and Easements
The location and width of all abutting rights-of-way, easements, and public open spaces within or bordering the parcel.
Natural Features
Natural features such as forests, water bodies, wetlands, high risk erosion areas, slopes over 10%, drainage and other similar features, if determined by the Zoning Administrator to be applicable.
All landscaping that will be installed on the property.
Other information concerning the lot or adjoining lots that may be essential for determining whether the provisions of this Ordinance are being observed, as deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator.
*A plot plan shall be 1) professionally drawn, 2) drawn to scale, 3) readable, and 4) accurate representation of the proposed improvements/updates/construction. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to reject a submitted Plot Plan which does not meet the criteria above.
(Ord. 2023-07. Passed 7-24-23)