When new service pipes are put into any property, the curb stop valve shall be left closed and will thereafter be opened only by an authorized employee of the City and only upon the request of the customer or their agent.
    (a)   Water Service Extension. Shall mean that portion of the water supply line from the curb box up to and including the meter shutoff valves.
   (b)   Extension Permit. No person shall construct, alter, or repair a water service extension without first obtaining a permit from the City of Davison.
   (c)   Construction Material. Water service extensions two (2") inches in diameter and smaller shall be constructed of type K, soft temper copper tubing. Water service extension larger than two (2") inches in diameter and shall be constructed of Class 52 Ductile Iron, Class 22 Cast Iron or C909 PVC Pipe with a working pressure of 150 PSI. The type of water pipe selected shall be used for the entire length of the water service extension (from the end of the City installed water service connection to the water meter). No soldered joints are allowed before the meter.
   (d)   Placement of Pipe. 
      (1)   All water service shall be constructed no less than five (5') feet below finished grade at any point. The water service extension may be placed in the same trench with the sewer service extension, providing the bottom of the water pipe is above the top of the sewer pipe at all points by at least twelve (12") inches. A solid shelf must be constructed on one side of the trench which shall be of sufficient width to properly support the water pipe without bracing. When a water service extension pipe cannot be placed twelve (12") inches above the sewer sendee extension pipe, or when the water service extension pipe exceeds two (2") inches in diameter, the water service extension and sewer service extension shall be laid in separate trenches and separated by five (5') feet of undisturbed or compacted earth. Under buildings without basements, the minimum depth of five (5') feet shall be maintained for eighteen (18") inches inside the foundation wall. Preexisting conditions will be considered when applying these rules. In all instances the water line shall be above the sewer.
      (2)   All open trench excavations shall meet confined spaces requirements.
   (e)   Size of Extension. The size of a water service extension shall be of sufficient pressure or diameter to furnish an adequate flow of water to meet requirements of the building at peak demand, in no case shall it be less than three quarters (3/4") of an inch inside diameter.
   (f)   Shutoff Valves, Meter Bypasses and Meters. All water services extensions shall be provided with two full flow gate valves. The valves are to be installed on the inlet and outlet sides of the meter located no more than twelve (12") inches upstream or downstream and must be accessible. All meters two (2") inches and larger shall have an expansion joint and bypass with a full flow gate valve installed. The bypass can be full pipe size below the water service extension size. [For example: A two (2") inch water sendee shall have as minimum a one-and-a-half (1 /2")-inch bypass.] All meters shall be located within one (1) foot of the building wall where the pipe enters the building.
   (g)   Inspections.
      (1)   All water service extensions before being covered shall be tested under full pressure, inspected and approved by an authorized inspector assigned by the City of Davison DPW. Water service extensions larger than two (2") inches shall be subject to hydrostatic testing, chlorination, and bacteriological analysis prior to being placed into service. Water service extensions larger than two (2") inches will be initially installed with an air gap between the connection and the extensions under construction. The contractor shall provide piping materials to make a temporary connection with cross connection protection to existing water connection and/or fire hydrant.
      (2)   This temporary connection is for the purpose of filling the water extension for required pressure testing, chlorination and bacteriological analysis prior to final connection and being placed in service. An alternative to this shall be a double, back-to-back valve installed with an air relief between two valves. Inspections will be made Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Overtime charges will be assessed for inspections done weekdays after 2:30 p.m. or during weekend hours.
   (h)   Protecting the Excavation. Any trench that may create a real or potential hazard, shall be protected by adequate barricades, signs, lights, or other approved protective devices.
   (i)   Water Turn On. No person other than an authorized employee of the City of Davison DPW shall run water on or off at the curb stop. A request for such water turn on or off shall be made to the water billing clerk. No turn on will be made unless all provisions of this rule have been complied with.
   (j)   Extension Leaks. 
      (1)   An authorized inspector of the City of Davison DPW shall investigate any leak occurring on a private water service extension. If it is determined the leak is on the supply side of the curb stop or in the curb stop itself, it shall be repaired by the City at no expense to the property owner.
      (2)   If it is determined that the leak is on the extension side of the curb stop, it shall be repaired by the property owner at their expense. In the latter case, the City of Davison shall:
         A.   Give written notice to the property owner on record by regular mail of the United States Postal Service, advising the owner of the leak and requiring that repair be made within five (5) days.
         B.   If the repair has not been made at the expiration of the five (5) days, a second written notice shall be given by certified mail of the United States Postal Service. This shall establish a second five (5) day period for the repair to be completed and give notice that any non-compliance will result in the discontinuance of water service.
         C.   If at the end of the second five (5) day period the repair has not been made, the sendee shall be discontinued until the proper repair has occurred.
         D.   If in the judgment of the City of Davison DPW, any leak is of such magnitude or location as to constitute or create a hazard to public safety, or a threat of damage to public or private property, they shall order the water service discontinued immediately until the property repairs have been completed.
   (k)   Pipe Repairs and Replacements. Pipe repairs or replacement shall be made with like materials. Any repair over half the length of the extension will require replacement of the extension. (Refer back to paragraph (j)). Lead service connection and extensions, regardless of length, must be entirely replaced with materials required for new systems. If replacement is necessary on the supply side of the curb stop, the City at no expense to the property owner will make such replacement to the property. If replacement is necessary on the extension side of the curb stop, it shall be replaced by the property owner at their expense.
(Ord. 2018-09. Passed 8-13-18.)