(a)   The expense of maintaining meters shall be borne by the City. Where replacements, repairs or adjustments of a meter are made necessary by the act, negligence or carelessness of the owner or occupant of the premises, the expense to the City caused thereby shall be charged and collected from the owner of the premises. If such owner or occupant fails to pay these charges, the same shall be added to and become a part of the water bill.
   (b)   The owner or occupant of the property where a meter is installed shall be responsible for its care and protection from freezing and from injury or interference by any person. In case of injury to the meter, or in case of its stoppage or imperfect operation, the owner or occupant of the property shall give immediate notice to the City Manager. All water furnished by the City and used on any premises must pass through the meter. No bypass or connection around the meter shall be permitted for any meter less than one and one-half inches. If a meter is out of order or fails to register, the consumer shall be charged at the average, quarterly consumption rate as shown by the meter over the period of the preceding four quarters when the meter was accurately registering.
(Ord. 2018-09. Passed 8-13-18.)