(a)   No person shall break, injure, mutilate, kill or destroy a tree, or set a fire within twenty-five feet of a tree, or permit a fire, or the heat thereof, to injure any portion of a tree.
   (b)   No person shall allow toxic chemicals or other injurious materials to seep, drain or be emptied on, near or about a tree.
   (c)   No person shall permit electric wires or any other lines or wires to come in contact with a tree in any manner that may cause damage thereto, and no person shall attach any electrical insulation to a tree.
   (d)   No person shall use a tree as an anchor, except by special written permission from the City Manager, and no person shall fasten or hang any material on a tree.
   (e)   A person who has under his or her care, custody or control, a facility which may interfere with the trimming or removal of a tree, shall, after notice thereof from the Department of Public Works, promptly abate such interference in such a manner as to permit the trimming or removal of such tree by the Department.
   (f)   The City Manager shall certify all City permits for the construction, installation, altering, moving or razing of all buildings, utilities, sidewalks, sewers or other operations where trees or shrubs, or parts thereof, are involved.