Section 14.7. Liens and Collection.
   There shall be a lien upon the property assessed for all special assessments and for all interest and charges upon the property from the date of confirmation of the roll. This lien shall remain until all special assessments are paid and shall be of the same character and effect as a lien created by general law for State and County taxes. Interest at a rate not to exceed six (6) percent per annum shall be collected on deferred installments of special assessments. From a date after confirmation fixed by the Council, the same penalties and collection fee shall be required on delinquent installments of any special assessments as are provided by this Charter to be paid on delinquent general City taxes. Any delinquent special assessments shall be returned to the County Treasurer for collection and shall be handled in the same manner as are delinquent general City taxes, except, no delinquent special assessments nor any delinquent installment of the special assessments shall be returned to the County Treasurer for collection unless the delinquency has continued for a period of six (6) months and then not until March 1 next.