(A) The County Fiscal Court shall provide universal municipal solid waste collection within its jurisdiction through the grant of a nonexclusive franchise.
(B) All franchise agreements entered into under this section shall require the party providing municipal solid waste collection service to dispose of the waste it collects at the county landfill or transfer station.
Nonexclusive franchises shall be granted to all haulers that are properly registered in accordance with KRS 224.43-315(3), and are in compliance with all other applicable laws and regulations.
(D) No hauler shall be allowed to collect municipal solid waste in the county unless granted a franchise by the County Fiscal Court.
(E) For purposes of this section, MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE shall mean household solid waste and commercial solid waste, as defined in KRS 224.1-010(30).
(F) This section shall become effective July 1, 2004, or 60 days following the issuance of a declaratory judgment upholding this section by the U.S. District Court for the Western District of the commonwealth, whichever is later.
(Ord. KOC 830.5 (2004), passed 2-19-2004)