(A)   The County Fiscal Court shall make available to the citizens of the county as a part of its solid waste management system, transfer, and landfill facilities which shall be used to dispose of solid waste. Each person generating solid waste shall be responsible for paying a fee for this service as hereinafter provided.
   (B)   There is hereby created the County Solid Waste Management Fund. Said Fund shall receive all revenues derived from the fee imposed herein, and shall make expenditures only as authorized by KRS 109.056.
   (C)   There is hereby established a solid waste management fee.
      (1)   Said fee shall be in the amount of $3 and shall be due and payable on a monthly basis.
      (2)   Each individual owner or tenant in possession of a residential, industrial, or commercial unit from which solid waste may be generated shall be responsible for paying the monthly $3 fee.
      (3)   The County Fiscal Court may collect the solid waste management fee as provided in KRS 109.056(3).
   (D)   The effective date of the institution of the fee shall be July 1, 1995, and for the purposes of division (E) below, said fee shall expire November 2001 and shall not extend beyond the November 15, 2001 billing cycle for Kenergy and the November 30, 2001 billing cycle for Owensboro municipal utilities.
   (E)   The solid waste management fee shall remain in full force and effect until such time as determined by the County Fiscal Court. The revenues derived from the use of the transfer and landfill facilities provide sufficient funds for their operational, new construction, and debt service costs.
(Ord. KOC 830.3 (2001), passed 12-6-2001)