(A)   The County Fiscal Court does hereby establish an independent County Library which shall provide library services for all residents of the county.
   (B)   (1)   The management and control of this County Library shall be vested in a five-member Board of Trustees.
      (2)   The County Judge/Executive, with the approval of the County Fiscal Court shall appoint the initial five-member Board, whose terms of office shall conform to the provisions of KRS 173.490.
      (3)   Successor Board members shall be appointed by the County Fiscal Court as provided in KRS 173.490.
      (4)   The County Fiscal Court grants to the Board of Trustees all of the duties and powers to act that are provided in county library service funded solely by a special ad valorem taxing district.
   (C)   In order to provide funding for the proper maintenance and operation of the county library service, the County Fiscal Court does hereby establish, pursuant to KRS 173.470, KRS 65.182, KRS 67.715, and KRS 67.083, the County Public Library Taxing District.
      (1)   The County Fiscal Court does hereby establish a special ad valorem tax for the Library District, and fixes the tax rate at $0.04 per each on $100 of the assessed valuation of all property in the District.
      (2)   The tax rate established above shall be subject to the provisions of KRS Ch. 132 as to subsequent modifications.
   (D)   The City of Owensboro obtains a legal determination that the County Fiscal Court has the legal authority to establish the Library Board of Trustees and the special ad valorem taxing district so that the City of Owensboro may comply with the provisions of KRS 173.395 by:
      (1)   Dissolving the city’s public library for the purposes of consolidating library services into the County Library District;
      (2)   Removing any city tax that was levied pursuant to KRS 173.310 for the specific purpose of establishing and maintaining the city library; and
      (3)   Transferring the assets of the city library to the County Library Board of Trustees.
   (E)   This section shall only become effective upon the occurrence of all of the events specified in division (D) above.
(Ord. KOC 220.11 (95), passed 7-19-1995)