(A)   There shall be a written request, with the consent of all property owners submitted to the County Fiscal Court for any road to be considered for inclusion into the county road maintenance system.
   (B)   The County Engineer will inspect the road and then submit to the County Fiscal Court in a reasonable period of time a written report as to the condition of the road and recommend whether the road can be considered for inclusion.
   (C)   Pursuant to KRS 100.324, the County Fiscal Court will then forward the proposal to the Owensboro Metropolitan Planning Commission for review in light of the comprehensive plan and ask that the Owensboro Metropolitan Planning Commission make a recommendation on the proposal for inclusion.
   (D)   The County Fiscal Court will then decide whether or not such road should be accepted as a county road and considered for inclusion into the county road maintenance system.
   (E)   If the County Fiscal Court agrees to accept said road as a county road, then the applicant seeking to establish said road as a county road must fully comply with the requirements set out in division (D) above; otherwise, the road shall not be accepted by the County Fiscal Court.
(Ord. KOC 620.33 (2000), passed 10-24-2000)