(A)   Any public official, department head or employee with actual knowledge or reasonable cause to believe that there has been a misappropriation of public funds is to immediately send written notice of the misappropriation to the State Board of Accounts and the Prosecuting Attorney, regardless of the amount.
   (B)   The materiality threshold at which point the county shall report incidents of material variances, losses, or shortages, to the State Board of Accounts is:
      (1)   A one-time cash loss of at least $1,000;
      (2)   A one-time noncash loss of at least $4,000; or
      (3)   A recurring cash loss of at least $100 average per month.
   (C)   All items not reported to the State Board of Accounts shall be resolved at the Board of Commissioners level according to the current county personnel policy with appropriate documentation retained by the County Auditor.
   (D)   When an irregular variance, loss, shortage or theft is determined material pursuant to county policy on materiality, the Auditor and/or the Treasurer shall report the incident to the State Board of Accounts. On the State Board of Account’s website there is a notification link, which allows public officials to report via email material irregular variances, losses, shortages or thefts. Telephone and in-person reporting is also acceptable. Reports will be followed up with a return email or call to gather additional information as necessary. All reports of irregular variances, losses, shortages, or thefts are maintained by the State Board of Accounts.
(Ord. 2016-4, passed 7-12-2016)