(A)   It has come to the attention of the Board of Commissioners and the County Highway Department that the three public school systems operating public school busing in the confines of the county have not, and have failed to honor requests to file with the County Highway Department at the beginning of each school year a bus route map outlining the county roads being used by the school system. The county is desirous of having the information filed with its Highway Department for the purpose of maintaining roads upon which the buses traverse. It has furthermore come to the attention of the county that certain bus routes may include buses crossing over county bridges which are not posted for the weight limit the buses carry over the bridges and/or a special need on the part of the county to particularly maintain bridges over which school buses cross due to their weight and the potential dangers as a result of a lack of proper maintenance and repair.
   (B)   It shall hereafter be resolved by the County Board of Commissioners that on or before September 1 of each and every year, starting retroactively in 1987, that the three public school systems operating school public busing, North Daviess School System, Barr-Reeve School System and Washington Community School System, provide to the County Highway Department a copy of the bus routes followed by the respective school system.
   (C)   In the event the bus routes shall change during the school year, the school system shall additionally be required, to notify the Highway Department of the route change and to otherwise keep current the bus routes throughout the school year.
(Ord. 87-2, passed 11-2-1987) Penalty, see § 70.99