(A)   Record notice of proximity to Voluntary Agricultural District.
      (1)   Procedure. When the county computerizes its County Land Records System, the following requirements outlined in this section shall be implemented and enforced. Upon certification of qualifying farmland and designation of real property as a district, the title to that qualifying farmland and real property which is contained in the County Land Records System shall be changed to include a notice reasonably calculated to alert a person researching the title of a particular tract that such tract is located within one-half aerial mile of a Voluntary Agricultural District.
      (2)   Limit of liability. In no event shall the county or any of its officers, employees, members of the Advisory Board, or agents be held liable in damages for any misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance occurring in good faith in connection with the duties or obligations imposed by this.
      (3)   No cause of action. In no event shall any cause of action arise out of the failure of a person researching the title of a particular tract to report to any person the proximity of the tract to a qualifying farm or Voluntary Agricultural District or Enhanced Voluntary Agricultural District as defined in this chapter.
   (B)   Signage. Signs identifying parcels enrolled in an Agricultural District may be placed on enrolled parcels at the discretion of the owners. Signs shall not be placed along the right-of-way of any state or county maintained road.
   (C)   Maps. Maps identifying approved agricultural districts shall be provided to the following agencies or offices:
      (1)   Planning Department;
      (2)   Register of Deeds;
      (3)   Natural Resources Conservation Service;
      (4)   State Cooperative Extension;
      (5)   Soil and Water Conservation District; and
      (6)   Any other such agency or office the Advisory Board deems appropriate, including maps denoting the locations of agricultural districts within the county planning jurisdiction.
(1996 Code, § 157.13) (Ord. passed 1-7-2008; Ord. passed - -2018; Ord. passed 3-7-2022)