(A)   Within the WS-III-BW or WS-IV-PA overlay districts the intent of special use district zoning is not to specify a single use among those permitted uses but to permit an increase in the built- upon or impervious limits for nonresidential uses on a case-by-case basis. Under current watershed requirements built-upon or impervious limits for nonresidential development cannot exceed 24% in the WS-III-BW or 36% in the WS-IV-PA, in order to promote economic development, while not undermining the intent of the watershed overlay district, the Board of Commissioners may permit new development and expansions to existing development to increase built-upon or impervious limits to 70% on a case-by-case basis. However, the Board cannot allow this increase on more than 10% of the total land area within the WS-III-BW or the WS-IV-PA watershed.
   (B)   If the Board of Commissioners intent is to control both the specific use and allow an increase in impervious limits, special use district zoning permits are needed for each. The Board can approve each permit during the same review process.
(1996 Code, § 155.162) (Ord. passed 1-18-1994; Ord. passed 1-20-1998)