(A)   Off-street parking space shall be provided in accordance with this subchapter in all districts.
   (B)   The off-street parking required by this subchapter shall be permanent space and shall not be used for any other purposes.
   (C)   Each parking space shall not be less than nine by 18 feet, exclusive of adequate egress and ingress drives, landscaping, and maneuvering space.
   (D)   New parking areas on adjacent nonresidential and non-industrial development sites shall be connected unless the county determines that topography or other natural features prevents it.
   (E)   All off-street parking shall be served by interior circulation drives. No private off-street parking spaces shall directly connect to public streets.
   (F)   All access driveways and required parking areas shall be paved with asphalt, concrete, or brick pavers, except for areas used for overflow, special events, and peak parking. This standard does not apply to single-family detached residential lots or recreational uses, and shall only apply to that portion of an industrial lot that is used for and serves employee and/or visitor parking.
      (1)   All required parking spaces shall be clearly marked on the ground.
      (2)   Parking area edges shall be protected by suitable curbing, wheel guards, or other means to prevent vehicular encroachment on a public right-of-way or on an adjacent property.
      (3)   If a use, building, or structure having inadequate parking spaces is increased by 50% or less, additional parking spaces shall only be required if the addition is a new development.
      (4)   If a use, building, or structure having inadequate parking spaces is increased by more than 50%, sufficient additional parking spaces shall be required to bring the total development into conformance with these regulations.
   (G)   Any non-paved surface used for overflow, special events, and peak parking shall be maintained with crushed rock, stone, gravel, healthy, living turf grass or similar ground cover. (This standard does not apply to single-family detached residential lots.)
      (1)   Non-paved parking areas shall be located to the rear of the principal building, and set back a minimum of 20 feet from the rear and side property lines.
      (2)   (a)   A buffer strip shall be provided adjacent to non-paved parking areas not maintained with healthy, living turf grass or similar ground cover.
         (b)   This buffer strip shall be in addition to the normal lot setback and landscaping requirements.
   (H)   Any non-paved surface used for parking or driveways on industrial sites shall be maintained with crushed rock, stone, gravel, or similar material.
   (I)   Stacking spaces shall be located entirely outside of a required driveway or parking aisle needed to access required parking spaces.
   (J)   Vehicles in required stacking spaces shall not extend into any required parking spaces, parking aisles, public or private rights-of-way, or street access to the lot.
   (K)   Adequate on-site turnaround area shall be provided for all parking spaces.
   (L)   Pedestrian walkways (crosswalks or sidewalks), at least five feet in width, shall be installed to connect all required parking areas with public access to buildings.
   (M)   Vehicle circulation in a parking lot shall consist of vehicle turns no greater than 90 degrees. Vehicle turns shall be spaced no closer than 40 feet apart.
   (N)   Any non-paved surface used for parking or driveways for recreational uses shall be maintained with crushed rock, stone, gravel or similar material.
(1996 Code, § 155.050) (Ord. passed 5-21-1984; Ord. passed 8-18-2003; Ord. passed 9-20-2004; Ord. passed 11-21-2005; Ord. passed 9-3-2013)