(A)   The front yard requirements for the various districts shall not apply to any lot where the front yard coverage on neighboring developed lots is less than the minimum required front yard. This applies only if the developed lots are located wholly or in part within 100 feet of each side of such lot and within the same block and zoning district and fronting on the same street or road as such lot. In such cases, the front yard on this lot may be less than the required front yard, but not less than the average of the existing front yards on the developed lots, provided that the front yard on such lot shall not be less than one-half of the required front yard.
   (B)   All measurements for front yard and corner side yards shall be made from the state road right-of- way line.
   (C)   Permitted Non-Residential uses and structures within any residential zoning district shall meet the required setback for a principal building.
(1996 Code, § 155.028) (Ord. passed 5-21-1984; Am. Ord. passed 2-2-2015)