(A)   If, upon inspection by the County Manager 30 days prior to the starting date of the mass gathering, or earlier upon request of the permittee, the required facilities are found to be in place and satisfactory arrangements are found to have been made for required services, and other applicable provisions of this chapter are found to have been met, the County Manager shall issue a permit for the mass gathering. If, upon such inspection, the facilities, arrangements, or other provisions are not satisfactory, the provisional permit shall be revoked and no permit issued.
   (B)   Upon revocation of either the provisional permit or the permit, the permittee shall immediately announce cancellation of the mass gathering in as effective a manner as is reasonably possible, including but not limited to the use of whatever methods were used for advertising or promoting the mass gathering.
   (C)   If the provisional permit or the permit is revoked prior to, or during, the mass gathering, the County Manager may order the permittee to install such facilities and make such arrangements as may be necessary to accommodate those persons who may nevertheless attend or be present at the mass gathering despite its cancellation and to restore the site to a safe and sanitary condition. In the event the permittee fails to comply with the order of the County Manager, the County Manager may immediately proceed to install such facilities and make such other arrangements and provisions for cleanup as may be minimally required in the interest of public health and safety, utilizing such state and local funds and resources as may be available to him or her. Prior to, or within 60 days after, such action, the County Manager may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to order forfeiture of the permittee’s performance bond or surety for violation of this chapter. The court may order that the proceeds shall be applied to the extent necessary to reimburse the state and local governmental agencies for expenditures made pursuant to the action taken by the County Manager upon the permittee’s failure to comply with his or her order. Any excess proceeds shall be returned to the insurer of the bond or to the surety after deducting court costs.
(1996 Code, § 92.04) (Ord. passed 2-5-1973; Ord. passed 10-16-2000)