(A)   Obstruction, interference, tampering with fire hydrants, or fire protection equipment. No person shall obstruct, interfere with the use of, or tamper with, any fire hydrant or with any fire protection equipment. No vegetation or other obstructions may be placed within five feet of any fire hydrant. Any person who violates this section shall be subject to summary abatement and civil penalties as set forth in the Fees, Cost and Penalties Schedule upon discovery.
   (B)   Prohibited parking. Parking on a highway in front of a private driveway, fire hydrant, fire station, or fire lane is a violation of and punishable in accordance with G.S. § 20-162. Any vehicle found obstructing any fire hydrant, fire protection equipment, designated and marked fire lane, or fire station may be removed or towed away by or under the direction of the Fire Marshal's Office to a storage area or garage. The owner of such vehicle shall be deemed to have appointed the Fire Marshal's Office as his or her agent for the purpose of arranging for the transportation and safe storage of the vehicle. The owner of such vehicle, before obtaining possession thereof, shall pay all reasonable costs incidental to the removal and storage of the vehicle due for the violation of prohibited parking. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that fire lanes are clearly marked and open and accessible to fire apparatus at all times.
   (C)   Fire hydrants. For new residential and private commercial installations, the location and number of on-site hydrants shall be designated by the Fire Marshal's Office (in consultation with the appropriate Fire Chief), with the minimum arrangement being so as to have a hydrant available for distribution of hose to any portion of any building on the premises at distances not exceeding 200 feet. Fire hydrants are required in new business and new multifamily dwelling areas and shall not be more than 500 feet apart. Fire hydrants are also required in all areas where public water is available. Such hydrants shall not be more than 500 feet apart, except for county transmission water-lines installed by the county, which shall have fire hydrants no more than 1,000 feet apart.
      (1)   The placement of all hydrants is subject to the written approval of the local fire department chief and/or his or her representative from the Fire Marshal's Office, which must be obtained at the time or prior to the time the development permit is issued.
      (2)   Generally, fire hydrants should be located at street intersections, placed at the PC (point of curvature) or PT (point of tangency) of the radius, but not in the radius. Intermediate fire hydrant placement shall be located at property corners. Consideration should be given to other utilities such as power, telephone, and cable locations. In all instances, hydrants should be placed to afford protection from vehicle collisions, etc.
(Ord. passed 5-3-2021)