(A)   Compliance with local government finance law. The Board of Commissioners shall appropriate sufficient funds for the awarding of scholarships and the administration of this chapter through proper enactment of such appropriations in the Davidson County Budget Ordinance or any proper amendment thereof. As required by G.S. § 159-28, the Davidson County Finance Officer shall certify on each scholarship which is accepted that the contract has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act.
   (B)   Funding. This Scholarship Program shall be funded by donations and local revenues. Donations may be received by the Davidson County Finance Officer and placed into a scholarship fund created by the Board of Commissioners pursuant to the Davidson County Budget Ordinance.
   (C)   Administration and enforcement of this chapter. It shall be the responsibility of the Committee, the County Manager, the County Attorney, the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and the Committee, to enforce the provisions of this chapter. The evaluation and award of scholarships shall be the sole responsibility of the Committee and all regular voting members and alternates of the Committee shall have access to and may review all information submitted by and concerning the applicant. However, the Board of Commissioners, County Manager and County Attorney are authorized to obtain and review such information to assure compliance of all persons with this chapter. The County Attorney shall institute appropriate legal action to recover the amount of any scholarship received by a recipient and to seek other appropriate legal remedies. The regular voting members and alternates of the Committee shall disclose to the Board of Commissioners, County Manager and County Attorney credible information that an applicant or any other person has willfully or knowingly submitted false and inaccurate information on the application or otherwise to the Committee. Such information may be provided to the District Attorney or other appropriate law enforcement officials for possible prosecution of criminal activity as defined by this chapter or other law.
   (D)   Address and phone number correction. Each applicant and recipient shall diligently and promptly notify Davidson County of any change in the residential or mailing address and phone number of the applicant or recipient.
   (E)   Notices. All notices, requests and other correspondence submitted by the recipient or applicant shall be mailed to the Office of the County Manager, Post Office Box 1067, Lexington, North Carolina, 27293-1067. All notices, requests and other correspondence sent by Davidson County to the recipient or applicant shall be sent by certified mail, restricted delivery to the applicant at the applicant’s last known mailing address.
   (F)   Severability of provisions. If any provision, sentence, clause or other portion of this chapter is declared to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction and venue, the remaining portions, provisions, clauses and sentences of this chapter which are valid shall be considered separate and apart from the invalid portions and shall continue to be in full force and effect.
(Ord. passed 3-9-04; Ord. passed 8-25-15; Ord. passed 1-10-17)