(A)   Intent. The application review and award process is designed to assure that every applicant is assured of and afforded adequate due process and fairness.
   (B)   Allocation of awards. The Committee shall annually award scholarships to graduates of county school administrative units; to graduates of city school administrative units; and to a graduate or graduates of a private school or home school program. The number of scholarships and the allocation of the scholarships among graduates of schools referred to above shall be as set from time to time by the Board of Commissioners. If the number of applicants in a category is less than the number of scholarships allocated to that category, then the scholarships which are not applied for in that category shall be allocated to or among those categories which have a greater number of applicants than scholarships allocated to that category. Nothing in this chapter requires that all scholarships be awarded.
   (C)   Evaluation and decision. Scholarships shall be awarded on a calendar year basis. The Committee shall carefully review and consider the information submitted on the application. Any application which does not contain responses to all questions or reveals that an application does not meet the eligibility requirements as established by this chapter and the rules and regulations of the Committee or contains information which the applicant knows is false or inaccurate shall be rejected. Scholarships shall not be awarded to persons who file such applications. The regular voting members and alternates of the Committee are authorized to review the academic records of the applicant, contact the employers, supervisors and instructors of the applicant, persons submitting recommendations on behalf of the applicant and other persons who have information relevant to the evaluation of the applicant. The Committee shall make decisions for awarding the scholarships following its review of the scholarship applications. The Committee shall mail scholarship contracts to the applicants who are awarded scholarships. The Committee shall notify applicants who are not awarded scholarships of the Committee’s decisions concerning their applications. The Committee shall make a report of its work to the Commissioners.
(Ord. passed 3-9-04; Ord. passed 8-25-15; Ord. passed 1-10-17)