An applicant for a scholarship must be a resident of and be domiciled in Davidson County for at least six years next preceding the time the scholarship is awarded and must be a senior attending or a graduate of a county school administrative unit, a city school administrative unit or a private school or home school who has been accepted into a post-secondary institution at the time the scholarship is awarded. An applicant who is a graduate of a county school administrative unit, a city school administrative unit or a private school or home school must be enrolled in and attending a post-secondary institution at the time the scholarship is awarded. All applicants must have a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 2.8 or the equivalent thereof at the time of filing an application and must have declared as an education major or equivalent course of study. The grade-point average or equivalent shall refer to and shall be based upon those averages as determined by post-secondary institutions only. Applicants may attend any post-secondary institution located anywhere in the United States of America or in any territory or possession of the United States of America. The applicant must in good faith express an intent to apply for employment as a qualified teacher in a school system in Davidson County. Applicant must have never been convicted of or pled nolo contendre to a felony, misdemeanor, or an offense involving a crime of moral turpitude that is detrimental to or impacts the applicant’s service as a teacher in a school system in Davidson County. Any person who does not meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter shall not be considered for nor awarded a scholarship.
(Ord. passed 3-9-04; Am. Ord. passed 4-22-08; Ord. passed 8-25-15; Ord. passed 1-10-17)