§ 51.88 RATES.
   (A)   Connections.
Type of Connection
Standard lateral connection, maximum length 30 feet
$1,500 - 4-inch $1,800 - 6-inch
Added length
$15/foot - 4-inch $18/foot - 6-inch
Non-standard lateral connection
Actual cost + 15% $650 minimum
Free bore under roadway
No casing
$800 minimum
Standard casing
Steel casing, not including carrier pipe
   (B)   Capital recovery fee (CRF).
Type of Use
$600/residential dwelling unit
Bona fide non-profit schools and churches
$600/unit (building)
Business, commercial and industrial
$l,000/acre for wastewater flows of 3,000 cubic feet/acre/month or less
Minimum of $1,000
For wastewater flows greater than 3,000 cubic feet/acre/month, CRF shall be $350/1,000 cubic feet/acre/month
   (C)   Plan review fee:                     $0.20/linear foot sewer
   (D)   Construction inspection fee:            $0.45/linear foot sewer
   (E)   Service where public water also provided.
      (1)   Volume rate      $6.81 per 100 cubic feet of water metered, excluding first 267 cubic feet (2,000 gallons)
      (2)   Base fee       $14.20 per month; base fee includes up to 267 cubic feet (2,000 gallons)
   (F)   Service where public water not provided.
Type of Use
County Monthly Rates
Type of Use
County Monthly Rates
(1)   Single-family, two-family residence and mobile home
(2)   Multifamily, per unit
(3)   Hotel or motel per unit
(4)   Supermarket
$140 .08
(5)   Launderette
(6)   Commercial establishment with restrooms and fountains only
(7)   Beauty or barbershop
(8)   Professional or commercial office building
   (maximum of four restrooms)
(9)   Professional or commercial office building, each additional restroom over four
(10) Service station or garage
(11) School, rate per student
(12) Drug store with soda fountain or food service
(13) Drug store without soda fountain or food service
(14) Restaurant, café or grill
(15) Manufacturing plant or other use not listed
Rate established by the Director based on discharge
   (G)   Monitoring charges (§ 51.85).
Type of Monitoring
Sample collection, preparation and report generation
$64.50 per sample
Flow monitoring first day, initial set up and report generation
Other flow monitoring
Cost per analysis:
   Biochemical oxygen demand
   Total organic carbon
   Chemical oxygen demand
   Total and volatile suspended solids
   Total and volatile solids
   Total oil and grease
   Hydrocarbon oil and grease
   Kjeldahl nitrogen
   Ammonia nitrogen (specific ion)
   Nitrate nitrogen (specific ion)
   Chromium (total)
Fees for other analyses will be determined by the Director
   (H)   Late payment fees. See § 51.87.
   (I)   Bill. The monthly bill may be comprised of the following elements: sewer service base rate; BOD surcharge; SS surcharge; and monitoring charges.
   (J)   Other work. Any extra or unusual work shall incur additional cost.
   (K)   Savings clause. The county reserves the right to have industrial user samples analyzed by a private laboratory. In such cases, the industrial user shall be charged for these analyses at actual cost, plus costs incurred for sample collection, data generation, administration and other pretreatment activities as determined by the Director.
(Ord. passed 9-9-08)