(A)   Whenever, in the opinion of the utility, the necessary expenditures to make connection to an applicant for service is not warranted by the company’s estimate of prospective revenues to be derived therefrom, the company may require the applicant to make a lump sum payment in advance equal to the material costs used to construct the extension. Thereafter, the company shall be the owner of and at all times shall maintain the services. Underground installations can be obtained at the request of the land developer. If a request is made for underground distribution, the developer shall be responsible upon the completion of the installation for a payment to the company equal to the difference in cost of the estimated overhead construction and the actual cost of underground installation.
   (B)   A penalty of $25 may be charged against any person who knowingly supplies electric current to any unit by any means after service to this latter unit has been discontinued by the company, notwithstanding any other provision herein.
   (C)   Any person or customer who removes any meter seal or meter without the company approval may be criminally prosecuted; further that, any customer who removes or allows anyone to remove a meter with the intentions of tampering with the meters so as to cause an incorrect reading or to bypass the meter in any way may be criminally prosecuted; further that, if, as a result of the foregoing activity, the town shall have to repair or replace the meter or meters, the customer shall be required to pay the actual costs of the repair and/or replacement, including the service call required to accomplish the same.
   (D)   The utility may require the customer, at his or her expense, to install and use the starting or current limiting equipment as may, in the opinion of the utility, be necessary for use with any motor or apparatus to prevent undue disturbance, imbalance or voltage fluctuation. Electric welders and similar equipment usually require a separate power supply for satisfactory operations. The utility shall be consulted in every case prior to the installation of the equipment and may require a separate supply, if in its opinion it is necessary.
   (E)   The utility will designate the point at which service will be connected to the customer facility.
   (F)   The customer’s service wires, at the point of connection with the utility lines, shall extend 3 feet beyond the outer end of any conduit, weatherproof fitting or insulator in order to facilitate the connection.
   (G)   Any changes made in service connections, either overhead or underground, at the request of the customer after original installation, shall be solely at the customer’s expense.
   (H)   Any customer installing neon, fluorescent or other types of gaseous tube lighting, including signs, may be required to furnish, install and maintain, at his or her own expense, corrective apparatus so that the power factor at all times, of each unit or group of units controlled through 1 switch, will be not less than 90% lagging.
   (I)   Any customer operating any equipment such as neon, fluorescent or other type of gaseous tube lighting, including signs or other apparatus of any kind that is found to be causing radio or television interference may be requested to discontinue the use of the equipment or apparatus or to install corrective equipment to eliminate the radio or television interference. The utility may discontinue service to the customer if corrective measures as required by the utility are not taken by the customer within 30 days after written notice of the corrective measures shall be given to the customer by the utility.
   (J)   Where both residential and commercial classes of service are supplied through 1 service connection and meter to the same customer on the same premises, the combined service shall be billed and classed as provided under the commercial and power rate.
   (K)   At the option of the customer and at the customer’s expense, the connections may be arranged so as to separate the commercial and residential services to permit the installation of 2 meters, in which case the residential rate will apply to the residential service and the commercial and power rate to the commercial service.
   (L)   The properly authorized agents or officials of the utility shall have the right to enter upon the premises of the customer at all reasonable times for the purpose of reading meters, inspecting, testing, repairing or replacing of equipment used in connection with this service and for removing the same upon termination of its contract or the discontinuance of service.
      (M)   The utility shall have the right to discontinue electric service without notice for repairs or want of supply; otherwise, the utility shall have the right to discontinue service for purposes of construction or routine maintenance upon giving the customer 10-days’ notice thereof.
   (N)   The utility shall not render service to any applicant therefor who shall be indebted to the city.
   (O)   Residential customers who shall request the institution of service at a new or different location within the utility’s area of service and are terminating service at a present location shall not be required to make an additional meter or service deposit.
(1982 Code, § 9-14)  (Am. Ord. 86-6-11, passed 6-11-1986)  Penalty, see § 50.99