That, upon the written petition submitted to the board of county commissioners of Currituck County by one-third of the qualified voters of Atlantic Township, Currituck County, requesting an election to determine whether or not said Atlantic Township shall be added to Dare County, it shall be the duty of the said board of county commissioners to call an election to be held in said Atlantic Township at some time not less than thirty days from the date of said order, and to advertise said election in some newspaper having circulation in said township and in at least three public places.
(Pub.-Loc. Laws 1919, ch. 163, § 1.)
The qualified voters at the said election shall be those qualified to vote at the preceding regular November election and those who may become of age and qualified since the preceding regular November election. The board of county commissioners of Currituck County shall determine the qualifications of those entitled to vote in a special election held under this act, and any decision of the county commissioners on this subject shall be final and conclusive. The election held under the provisions of this act shall be conducted in the same manner as is now or may hereafter be prescribed by law for holding elections for members of the general assembly, except as herein provided: Provided, that the said board of county commissioners shall appoint registrars of election, judges, or inspectors, and any other election officers, and that registration and challenge of voters shall be conducted in the same manner as is now or may hereafter be provided for the election of members of the general assembly.
(Pub.-Loc; Laws 1919, ch. 163, § 2.)
That at the said election held under the provisions of this act the ballots tendered and cast by the voters shall have written or printed upon them “For Annexation to Dare County,” or “Against Annexation to Dare County”; and all electors who favor such annexation shall vote a ballot having written or printed thereon “For Annexation to Dare County,” and those opposed to annexation shall vote a ballot having written or printed thereon “Against Annexation to Dare County.” The votes shall be counted at the close of the polls and returned to the board of county commissioners or clerk of the board of county commissioners within three days after the election, and said board shall tabulate and declare the result of the election not later than the next regular meeting of the said board following the return of the vote of the said election; all of which shall be recorded in the minutes of the said board of county commissioners, and no other recording of the same shall be necessary. The result of the vote shall be counted, declared, and reported to the board of county commissioners as prescribed by law for the election of the members of the general assembly. Immediately upon the declaration of the result of the election the said board of county commissioners of Currituck County shall notify the board of county commissioners of Dare County of the same.
(Pub.-Loc. Laws 1919, ch. 163, § 3.)
That if a majority of the votes cast in the said election shall be “For Annexation to Dare County,” then the said Atlantic Township shall, upon the first Monday succeeding the declaration by the board of county commissioners of Currituck County of the result of the election, become and be a part of Dare County and shall be subject to all laws relating to such county. The said township shall be known as Atlantic Township, Dare County. The board of commissioners of the said Counties of Currituck and Dare shall cause a line between Atlantic Township and Currituck County to be distinctly and definitely located, surveyed and marked according to the rules for settling county lines prescribed by the general laws of the state, within six months from the date of the transfer of the said territory.
(Pub.-Loc. Laws 1919, Ch. 163, § 4.)
Editor's note:
For additional legislative acts concerning establishment of boundary between Dare and Currituck Counties, see Pub.-Loc. Laws, Extra Session 1920, ch. 202 (article VI of this part) and Pub.-Loc. Laws 1927, ch. 382 (article VII of this part).