That the provisions of an act of the general assembly, ratified the tenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, entitled an act concerning townships, except when the same are inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall be extended to the township to be established in said county.
(Pub. Laws 1869-70, ch. 86, § 9.)
That the county commissioners appointed shall immediately select a site for the permanent seat of justice for said county, having in view the convenience and interest of the people in the county, and when they shall have located said seat of justice, it shall be the duty of said commissioners to purchase, or receive by donation for the County of “Dare,” a tract of land containing not less than one acre to be conveyed to the chairman of the board of county commissioners of said county and their successors in office, which land, when so purchased or donated, shall be deemed to be held by said chairman and his successors absolutely in fee simple for said County of “Dare,” upon which tract of land the courthouse and jail shall be erected, and where after the completion of the courthouse the courts of said county shall be held.
(Pub. Laws 1869-70, ch. 36, § 12.)
That said county commissioners shall have full power to contract for the building of a suitable courthouse and jail for said county, of such size and dimensions and upon such plan as said commissioners shall determine upon, they being required to take bond and approved security from the contractors for the faithful execution of the work.
(Pub. Laws 1869-70, ch. 36, § 13.)