That the jurisdiction of the superior court be and the same is hereby extended to and over said County of “Dare” on the same manner as the said court has in and over the several counties in this state and the judge for the first judicial district shall hold the superior court for said County of “Dare” on the sixteenth Monday after the first Monday in March and October, and all cases both in civil and criminal within the bounds of said County of “Dare” shall be tried in the said court: Provided, that actions and suits affecting citizens in the county created by these acts pending in the superior courts of Currituck, Tyrrell and Hyde Counties may be continued in those counties at the option of the parties thereto, or of the solicitor, but when such cases and trials shall be transferred to the superior court of the County of “Dare,” there shall be no prejudice by reason of such transfer.
(Pub. Laws 1869-70, ch. 36, § 6.)
That the provisions of an act of the general assembly, ratified the tenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, entitled an act concerning townships, except when the same are inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall be extended to the township to be established in said county.
(Pub. Laws 1869-70, ch. 86, § 9.)