For the purposes of this chapter, zoning district boundaries adopted by Dare County shall be drawn on a map or maps that are the official zoning maps for unincorporated Dare County. The official zoning maps for each zoning area shall be identified by the signature of the Chairman of the Dare County Board of Commissioners and attested by the County Clerk and shall bear the following certificate together with the date of adoption or amendment:
"This is the certify that this is the official zoning map as referenced in the Dare County Zoning Ordinance as adopted or amended by the Dare County Board of Commissioners."
If changes are made in district boundaries or other matters portrayed on the official zoning map, such changes shall be promptly entered on the official zoning map after the amendment has been approved by the Board of Commissioners.
Zoning maps shall be maintained for public inspection in the Office of the Dare County Planning Director. The zoning maps may be maintained in a paper format and/or a digital format and may be amended or updated following the procedures set forth in the chapter for legislative decisions on zoning map amendments. The establishment of overlay districts used in conjunction with or supplemental to any zoning district map shall also be maintained in the same manner. Copies of the zoning district boundary map may be reproduced by any method of reproduction that gives legible and permanent copies and, when certified by the Clerk for Dare County in accordance with G.S. 160A-79 or 153A-50, shall be admissible into evidence and shall have the same force and effect as would the original map.
For state law as to authority of the County to establish zoning districts and regulate and restrict construction, uses of land or buildings, etc., therein, see G.S. 160D.
(Am. Ord. passed 6-21-2021)