It shall be the responsibility of each property owner of improved property and/or business owner in unincorporated Dare County to provide at least 1 solid waste container or dumpster on site of their property or business for the storage and collection of solid waste. The appropriate number of containers and/or dumpsters shall be as determined by the Dare County Public Works Department for the appropriate land use and scope of use of the subject property. Such containers and dumpsters shall be properly maintained to provide for servicing by the Dare County Public Works Department. Failure to provide solid waste containers or dumpsters shall constitute a violation of this chapter. Written notice to the property owner or business owner in question shall be provided by Dare County and shall identify the type of solid waste container that is needed and the number that is needed. Failure to respond to the notice within 10 calendar days of the date of the notice shall be subject to a fine of $50 per day of non-compliance.
(Adopted 5-16-2011)