(A)   (1)   The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all contractors regulated by Chapters 151, 152, 153, or 154 of the Danville Code of Ordinances.
      (2)   Plumbers and Plumbing Contractors licensed and registered pursuant to the Illinois Plumbing License Law, ILCS 225, Ch. 320, §§1 et seq. are exempt and excluded from the regulations contained in this chapter. Plumbers and plumbing contractors providing services within the city shall provide the Department with a copy of their current state license and certificate of registration, as well as copies of their current bond and certificate of insurance. plumbers and plumbing contractors providing services within the city shall be required to continually update the Department upon any change to the information first provided, including upon renewal of their state license and certificate of registration.
   (B)   When determining the applicability of these regulations, the Department shall consider the "principal" services provided by the contractor. The Director shall be authorized to require the contractor to provide any financial information necessary to determine the principal service provided. Said financial information shall be submitted to the Director in confidence and shall remain confidential. The decision of the Director in this regard shall be final.
   (C)   If a question arises about the applicability of these registration regulations to a specific business category or contractor, the Director shall be authorized to issue a ruling after consulting with the Corporation Counsel and the Mayor. The Director's ruling in this regard shall be final.
(Ord. 7886, passed 3-4-97; Am. Ord. 8303, passed 2-4-03; Am. Ord. 8440, passed 8-2-05)