(A) Application fee.
(1) An application for the review and approval of a stormwater management plan shall be made on the stormwater management application applicable land disturbance permit form. The stormwater management plan and application applicable land disturbance permit form shall be submitted at the same time of zoning permit or building permit application. A land disturbance permit may also be required. See Chapter 170 of the Code of Ordinances for further information.
(2) No application shall be considered without prior payment of a separate application stormwater management review fee. The application review fees are:
(a) Two hundred dollar initial review fee, which shall include the first and second review.
(b) One hundred dollars for each review after the second review.
(3) Third party engineering involvement. For more complex developments, the Administrator or applicant may retain the services of an independent third party review engineer. Said engineer will be chosen by the Administrator to review and make recommendations relative to the review and approval process of a stormwater management plan developed under the provisions of this chapter. If the costs of such services exceed the value of the application fee, the Administrator may require the owner to pay for additional expenses incurred by the city, but in no case shall these costs exceed a total of $1,500.
(B) Review and approval of stormwater management plans.
(1) The Administrator shall review the plan to determine compliance with the requirements of this ordinance prior to approval. The plan shall serve as the basis for all subsequent construction.
(2) Notification of approval or reasons for disapproval or modification shall be given to the applicant within 15 working days after submission of the completed stormwater plan. If a decision is not made within 15 working days, the applicant shall be informed of the status of the review process and the anticipated completion date. The stormwater management plan shall not be considered approved without a letter of approval from the Administrator.
(C) Contents of the stormwater management plan.
(1) The applicant is responsible for submitting a stormwater management plan that meets the design requirements of this chapter. The stormwater management plan shall contain supporting computations, drawings, and sufficient information describing the manner, location, and type of measures in which stormwater runoff will be managed from the entire development. The minimum information submitted for support of a stormwater management plan shall be as follows:
(a) A report(s) that includes sufficient information to evaluate the environmental characteristics of affected areas, the potential impacts of the proposed development on water resources, and the effectiveness and acceptability of measures proposed for managing stormwater runoff. Reports submitted for stormwater management plan approval shall include, as applicable:
1. A brief narrative description of the project;
2. Geotechnical investigations including soil maps, borings, site-specific recommendations, and any additional information necessary for the proposed stormwater management design;
3. Descriptions of all water courses, impoundments, and wetlands on or adjacent to the site or into which stormwater directly flows;
4. Hydrologic computations, including drainage area maps depicting pre-development and post-development runoff flow path segmentation and land use;
5. Hydraulic computations for all stormwater management facilities including detention ponds, storm sewers, and overland flow paths;
6. Hydraulic computations for non-structural BMPs ;
7. Structural computations;
8. Volume computations;
9. Water quality computations; and
10. Operations and maintenance plan (see § 162.07).
11. The report shall be signed and sealed by an Illinois registered professional engineer.
(b) Construction drawings submitted for stormwater management plan approval shall include the following:
1. A vicinity map;
2. Topography survey showing existing and proposed one-foot contours, including the area necessary to determine downstream analysis for proposed stormwater management facilities;
3. The location of all existing drainage system features, including banks and centerline of streams and channels, shoreline of lake, pond and detention basins; farm drains and tile; storm sewers;
4. Any proposed improvements including location of buildings or other structures, impervious surfaces, storm drainage facilities, sanitary sewers, and all grading;
5. The location of existing and proposed structures and utilities;
6. Any easements and rights-of-way;
7. The delineation, if applicable, of the regulatory and proposed (if applicable) 100-year floodplain and any on-site wetlands;
8. Structural and construction details for all components of the proposed drainage system or systems, and stormwater management facilities;
9. All necessary construction specifications;
10. A sequence of construction;
11. Data for total site area, disturbed area, new impervious area, and total impervious area;
12. A table of materials to be used for stormwater management planting;
13. All soil boring logs and locations;
14. A maintenance schedule;
15. Certification by the owner/applicant that all stormwater management construction will be done according to this plan; and
16. An as-built certification signature block to be executed after project completion;
17. An erosion and sediment control plan in accordance with Chapter 170.
18. All construction drawings submitted shall be signed and sealed by an Illinois registered professional engineer.
(c) Additional submittals.
1. Approval of a stormwater management plan does not create or affect any right to direct runoff onto adjacent property without that property owner’s permission. If a stormwater management plan involves direction of some or all runoff of the site, it is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain from adjacent property owners any easements or necessary property interests concerning flowage of water. Executed copies of all required easements shall be submitted at the time of stormwater management plan submitted.
2. Any and all state or federal permits that are required for the proposed development shall be submitted at the time of application.
(Ord. 9097, passed 5-16-17)