(A)   General requirements.
      (1)   Developer obligations. Unless otherwise expressly indicated, the developer, through his engineer, shall prepare and furnish all plans, specifications, cost estimates, and other essential documents necessary for the construction and installation of the required improvements. And further, the developer shall agree at his own cost and expense to do all the work, furnish all the materials and labor necessary to construct and complete the required improvements in a good and substantial manner to the satisfaction of the city engineer and the Committee.
      (2)   Standards. Unless otherwise specified, all design and construction work shall be in accordance with provisions of the current issue of the Design Manual and the Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Construction adopted January 2,1958, by the Department of Transportation, Division of Highways of the state, as the same is amended from time to time, and hereinafter referred to as the Standard Specification. Unless otherwise specified, design standards shall be as specified in the current issue of the manual Highway Standards as published by the Bureau of Construction, Division of Highways, Department of Transportation, State of Illinois, as the same is amended from time to time, and hereinafter referred to as "Highway Standards."
      (3)   Specifications, supervision and inspection. The specifications adopted by the city shall in all respects govern all construction work. The work shall be done under city supervision and inspection. It shall be completed within the time fixed or agreed upon by the city engineer and the Committee.
      (4)   Qualifications of contractors. The developer shall file with the city engineer a list of all contractors and subcontractors who are to participate in the construction of public improvements. Such contractors and subcontractors shall be subject to any and all licensing provisions of the city and shall be subject to disqualification by reason of faulty performance of prior construction work done in the city.
      (5)   Extension of time. All construction items shall be completed within one year of the recording of the final plat, except where bituminous construction is required, for which a maximum of two years shall be allowed. The city engineer shall be authorized to grant one and only one extension and for a period not to exceed six months, without first receiving the approval of the Subdivision Committee, or in no case for more than one year.
      (6)   Default. If the improvements are not completed within the specified time, the City Council may use the performance bond or any portion thereof necessary to complete same, or may appropriate the certified check or other security posted for the same period.
      (7)   Policy on sharing cost of oversize improvements. Whenever necessary to conform to an overall plan or otherwise to promote the public interest, oversize improvements shall be installed or constructed by the developer. However, the cost to the developer shall not be greater than that which would result from the installation or construction of only that size necessitated by his own development. The excess cost resulting from the requirement of an oversize improvement shall be born by the city or appropriate agency.
   (B)   Street design.
      (1)   Standards. All pavements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the latest revision of the state Department of Transportation Design Manuals and the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction." The minimum requirements listed in the tables of the Design Manual shall govern at all times. Road Mix and A-3 Streets will not be allowed in the corporate limits of the city.
      (2)   Bearing ratio. An Illinois Bearing Ratio of 2.0 (I.B.R.=2.0) shall be used in pavement design unless the developer's engineer submits soil tests showing otherwise.
      (3)   Traffic volume. Vehicular traffic volume and vehicle classification percentages used in the design shall be approved by the city engineer.
      (4)   Grading. All grading between the right-of-way lines shall be completed to the lines and grade shown on the grading sheets including the sub-grade of the streets before starting any street construction. Sub-grades shall be compacted to not less than 95% of the standard laboratory density in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction." Proof-rolling may be required by the city engineer. If the sub-grade is unable to be compacted, it shall be removed and replaced with suitable materials.
      (5)   Cement pavement. Portland cement concrete pavement shall conform to the "Standard Specifications" with the following exceptions:
         (a)   The maximum slump of Portland cement concrete shall be three inches.
         (b)   Portland cement concrete shall contain a minimum of six bags of cement per cubic yard.
         (c)   Alternative mix designs for Portland cement concrete may be approved by the city engineer, if requested in writing prior to construction.
         (d)   Beams or cylinders shall be taken, and tested according to the "Standard Specifications," at a minimum rate of two per 250 feet per lane, or two per day whichever is greater. A modulus of rupture of not less than 650 psi or compressive strength of not less than 3500 psi shall be required after 14 days.
         (e)   The developer shall protect the pavement against all traffic, including that of his own employees or other workers on the site, until test specimens have attained a flexural strength of 650 psi or compressive strength of 3500 psi when tested in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction."
         (f)   If pavement strength or thickness is deficient, the developer or his agent shall take remedial action using one of the following actions:
            1.   Removal and replacement of the deficient pavement section(s) to the planned thickness and strength. Pavement deficiencies in thickness and/or strength in excess of ten percent shall be removed and replaced to planned thickness and strength.
            2.   Class I Bituminous Concrete Binder and surface course overlay of the pavement in lengths not less than one block or 500 feet, whichever is less. Overlay thickness shall be specified by design and approved by the city engineer.
         (g)   If initial modulus of rupture or compressive strength tests do not meet the minimum requirement set forth in this chapter, then pavement cores shall be taken at the rate of one per 250 feet per lane at locations designated by the city engineer. The developer shall furnish the results of compressive strength tests of pavement cores.
         (h)   Joints in all local and collector streets shall be constructed in accordance with Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Local Roads (BLR) Standard No. 10, "Highway Standards," with the following exceptions:
            1.   Sawed longitudinal joints shall be constructed with No. 4 deformed bars two and one half feet long at two and one half foot centers.
            2.   Integral curb details at sidewalks and crosswalks shall conform to the sidewalk requirements.
            3.   Expansion joints shall be constructed in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" using three forths inch dowel bars, 18 inches long at 12 inch centers, coated with heavy grease, pinch stop with one inch minimum taper.
            4.   Deviations from the Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Local Roads, Standard No. 10 joint configurations or construction details may be allowed with approval of the city engineer.
         (i)   All joints in Portland cement concrete pavements shall be filled in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction."
         (j)   Uncontrolled cracking which appears in Portland cement concrete pavement prior to approval by the city engineer shall be cleaned and filled in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction."
         (k)   Flexible pavements shall be designed in accordance with the Illinois Department of Transportation Design Manual and shall be constructed in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction."
   (C)   Curbs and gutters.
      (1)   Urban developments. B 6 12 minimum curbs and gutters shall be required in urban sections unless a variance is approved by the Committee. The city engineer reserves the right to require modifications of the Highway Standards to meet local conditions. Minimum gutter gradient to be 0.5%.
      (2)   Rural developments. In rural developments where curbs may not be required, adequate gutters or ditches shall be graded and protected by seeding or a hard surface may be required where the grade is such as may be deemed necessary by the city engineer.
   (D)   Pavement classification. Roadway pavement surface and base course shall meet the requirements as outlined in the accompanying table.
Roadway Classification
Pavement Type*
A, B
Collector Street
A, B, C
Local Street Residential
A, B, C
Local Road (Rural)
A, B, C
Marginal Access Road
A, B, C
Business Development
A, B
Industrial Development
A, B
* All pavement types regulated by the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, State of Illinois.
Pavement Type
Portland cement concrete pavement.
Bituminous surface course over Portland cement concrete base.
Bituminous surface course over compacted crushed stone base.
   (E)   Sidewalks. All sidewalks shall be installed along both sides of collector and arterial streets in urban developments. Sidewalks in rural developments and additions to plats that have no sidewalks, shall be evaluated on a case by case basis. Sidewalks shall not be required on cul-de-sacs and other minor streets. Sidewalks and crosswalks shall be constructed in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction," with the following exceptions:
      (1)   Location. Sidewalks shall be located totally within a street right-of-way or approved sidewalk easement or right-of-way and shall align one foot inside the right-of-way lines, unless otherwise approved by the city engineer.
      (2)   Construction material. Sidewalks shall be constructed of Portland cement
      (3)   Specifications. The minimum thickness of Portland cement concrete sidewalks and crosswalks shall be as follows:
Sidewalk Thickness
At Driveways
4 inches
6 inches
Business, Commercial
5 inches
6 inches
5 inches*
6 inches
* Except at drives and within ten feet of drives, six inches is required.
      (4)   Tests locations. Two test specimens shall be taken per 500 lineal feet of sidewalk or one set per day of sidewalk construction, whichever is greater.
      (5)   Test standards. Portland cement concrete strength tests shall show a minimum modulus of rupture of 650 psi or compressive strength of not less than 3500 psi on the 14th day following the pour.
      (6)   Slope. Sidewalks shall be constructed having a transverse slope toward the street of one-fourth inch per foot unless otherwise approved.
      (7)   Intersections. Sidewalks that intersect streets shall be ramped with broom-finished surface so that street and sidewalk and crosswalk intersections merge to a common elevation, enabling persons in wheelchairs to travel freely.
      (8)   Expansion joints. Joints shall be added every 50 feet, and at least one half inch thick.
   (F)   Storm drainage.
      (1)   Connection to existing systems. Storm drainage shall not be permitted to empty into any sanitary sewer or facility. Where public storm water sewer is reasonably accessible, as determined by the Committee, the developer shall connect with such storm drainage system and shall do such grading and provide such drainage structures including lateral connections as may be required by the Committee.
      (2)   Lack of system. If the subdivision is in an area where pubic storm water system is not available, the developer shall do such grading and provide such drainage structures as may be required by the Committee. Whenever the construction of streets and necessary storm water system in a subdivision is such that direction of storm water flow is diverted and affects surrounding properties, the developer shall obtain sufficient drainage easements to provide adequate disposal of the storm water. The City Storm Water Management Ordinance (see chapter 162) shall be used as a guide in addressing storm water issues in this plat.
      (3)   Design capacity. Storm sewer systems shall be designed to handle surface run-off from a storm having a five-year frequency and shall be constructed in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois."
      (4)   Construction material. Storm sewer pipe material shall be of the type, class and strength given in the "Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois" and specifically approved by the city engineer.
      (5)   Slope. Pipe shall be laid on a slope with minimum velocity of two and one half feet/second, flowing full without surcharge and in a straight line and grade between structures except in unusual situations as specifically approved by the city engineer. If an existing drainage course in the area of the proposed development abuts an existing closed conduit system, the developer shall extend the existing conduit system in an appropriate manner acceptable to the city engineer.
      (6)   Between inlets. Minimum size of pipe between inlets in gutter and main sewer lines shall be 12 inches.
      (7)   Manholes. Manholes shall be provided at all changes in direction or grades.
      (8)   Distance between manholes. The maximum distance between storm sewer manholes shall be as follows:
Pipe Diameter
Distance between Manholes (Center to Center)
12 inch to 24 inch
400 feet
27 inch to 54 inch
450 feet
60 inch and over
600 feet
      (9)   Manhole construction. Manholes shall be leak-tight and may be constructed of pre-cast concrete units, concrete masonry units or cast-in-place concrete with precast bottoms. Manholes which are greater than five feet in depth, as measured from the invert of the manhole to the top of the masonry shall be a Type A manhole, constructed in accordance with the details shown on the "Highway Standards". Manholes which are less than five feet in height shall be constructed without the use of a cone in the top section. The top shall be a pre-cast reinforced slab six inches in thickness with a 24-inch opening offset to the inside wall of the manhole. Steps shall be provided in all manholes.
      (10)   Manhole lids. Frames and lids for manholes shall be type 1 in accordance with the R-1772B (Ht. 7") R-1712B (Ht. 911)
      (11)   Flood Plain Ordinance. The Department or the city engineer shall review all developments pursuant to Chapter 157 of the Code of Ordinances to assure that the proposals are consistent with the need to eliminate or to minimize flood damage.
      (12)   Soil erosion. The developer shall take such steps necessary to minimize soil erosion during and after construction which shall conform to the latest edition of "Procedures and Standards for Urban Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control in Illinois". Therefore, permanent vegetation and structures shall be provided as soon as practical during development.
      (13)   Manhole bottoms. Manhole and inlet bottoms shall be channels to conform accurately to the sewer grade and shape and shall be brought together smoothly with well rounded junctions.
      (14)   Inlet standard. Inlets shall be type A (see Std. Drwg. No. 9) in accordance with the "Standard Water and Sewer Main Construction Specifications."
      (15)   Temporary outlets. The invert of temporary surface outlets, when permitted shall be at least six inches above the flow line of the adjacent ditch. Erosion protection shall be required at the outlet and shall be approved by the city engineer.
      (16)   Illegal discharge. No water from footing tiles or other source shall be pumped or discharged onto the street if such water may reasonably be expected to surface drain by gravity into the street. Where possible, such water shall be connected to discharge directly into the installed underground drainage facilities.
   (G)   Sewage disposal.
      (1)   General provision. If a subdivision can be reasonably served by the extension of an existing public sanitary sewer, as determined by the city engineer, the developer shall provide a system of sanitary sewer mains and shall provide lateral connections for each lot or potential building site. All lateral connections shall be installed to above grade of the lot. Where a public sanitary sewer is not reasonably accessible:
         (a)   The Committee, after obtaining and considering reports from the county or city health officials or State Department of Public Health agencies as involved, shall either refuse to permit the area to be developed for any purpose detrimental to the health and general welfare of the surrounding community, or
         (b)   Approve the subdivision plat provided appropriate provisions or arrangements have been made for the installation of a private sanitary sewage disposal system for each lot or building site and provided, further, that such arrangements are made in accordance with applicable city, county and state health and sanitation regulations.
         (c)   Plats containing lands lying within 300 feet of Lake Vermilion shall not be approved without public sanitary sewers.
         (d)   Plats within the city's Primary Growth Area, as defined in the Land Use Plan shall be provided with public sanitary sewers.
      (2)   Sanitary sewer standards. All sanitary sewer construction shall be done in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois" and will comply with the Environmental Protection Agency of the State of Illinois permitting requirements.
      (3)   Minimum dimension. No sanitary sewer main shall be less than eight inches in diameter and shall be designed to meet the growth needs of the entire drainage basin.
      (4)   Depth. In general, sanitary sewers shall be sufficiently deep so as to receive sewage from basements (if any) and to prevent freezing.
      (5)   Slope. All sewers shall be so designed and constructed to give average velocities, when flowing full, of not less than two feet per second. Mean velocities greater than 15 feet per second are not allowed except under extreme circumstances and special provision shall be made to protect against displacement by erosion and shock.
      (6)   Construction material. Sanitary sewer pipe material shall conform to the "Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois" or as otherwise specifically approved by the city engineer.
      (7)   Manhole location. Manholes shall be installed at the end of each line and at all changes in grade, size, or alignment of sewer mains.
      (8)   Distance between manholes. The maximum distance between sanitary sewer manholes shall be 400 feet.
      (9)   Manhole sizes. The minimum diameter of manholes shall be 48 inches.
      (10)   Manhole standard. Manholes shall be leak-tight and shall be constructed of pre-cast concrete units. C.I. manhole frame and cover to Neenah R1712-B with concrete pick hole, type B sanitary lid, or east Jordan Iron works standard 1050 concealed pick hole, type lid, or equal. (see Standard Manhole Detail Drawing in manual).
      (11)   Invert location. The invert of any service connection made at manholes must enter the manhole between the top and centerline of the main sewer line and be channeled down to the center of the main sewer line.
      (12)   Manhole bottoms. Manhole bottoms shall be pre-cast and shall be channeled to conform accurately to the sewer grade and shape and shall be brought together smoothly with well rounded junctions.
      (13)   Joints. In pre-cast concrete rings, rubber "O" rings, and mastic seal shall conform to ASTM C443.
      (14)   Storm water exclusion. Manhole castings shall be watertight with concealed pick hole lids to prevent intrusion of storm water runoff into the sanitary sewer system. The top of the casting shall be set two inches above the finished ground or flush with the paved surface.
      (15)   Proximity. Manholes shall be constructed within the dedicated rights-of-way where existing back-lot-line sewers cross proposed streets.
      (16)   Service connections. Each lot within the development must be provided with a minimum four inch service sewer connection for single family and six inch for multi-family into the main line. The connection into the main shall be made with a wye fitting of the same materials and size of the main sewer line.
      (17)   Service termini. The service sewer pipe shall be extended from the main sewer line to the property line at a point no closer than five feet to any lot corner. All service connection end locations shall be staked with a wood leader at least one inch by two inches or marking ribbon extending from the service sewer to a point at least one foot above the finished ground line.
      (18)   Wye location. Any service wye which is ten feet deep or more from the finished grade shall be equipped with a riser pipe to bring the service to the surface of the grade. Any service wye with a riser pipe four feet in length or longer shall have the wye encased in six inches of Portland cement concrete having a minimum strength of 2500 psi at 28 days.
      (19)   Wye encasement. Encasement of wyes is mandatory in all cases in which the invert of the main sewer line is more than ten feet below the existing or proposed grade line. Care shall be taken to minimize excess concrete which would interfere with future repairs.
      (20)   Lack of wye. In the absence of a wye, connection to the sanitary sewer main or lateral shall be made by one of the methods indicated below:
         (a)   Installation at a manhole.
         (b)   Proper installation of saddle connection in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations which are to be filed with the city engineer prior to installation.
         (c)   If any other method is desired, the developer shall submit said method to the city engineer for review and approval before the connection is made. Indiscriminate breaking of the sewer main pipe is not allowed.
      (21)   Testing. All sanitary sewer lines and manholes shall be tested before-acceptance by the city engineer. The method of testing and the testing limits shall be as specified in the "Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois". All lines shall be lamped between manholes by the developer's engineer. In the event that direct light can not be transmitted between manholes, a cylinder two feet in length and one inch smaller than the diameter of the line in question shall be passed the entire length of the line.
      (22)   Engineer's certificate. Prior to any connection to a main sewer line, the developer's engineer shall file a certificate with the city engineer and the City Sanitary District certifying that the required improvements were inspected by said engineer during actual construction and that said improvements were constructed in substantial accordance with the approved engineering plans and specifications. Said certificate shall include the following:
         (a)   The infiltration, ex-filtration, or one pound air pressure drop rates of each portion tested and the allowable rates as specified in the "Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois".
         (b)   A statement that all reaches between manholes shall be capable of passing leakage tests as required by the city,
         (c)   A taped record (video) shall be issued with the engineer certification.
      (23)   Backfill. Backfill shall be placed in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois."
   (H)   Water supply.
      (1)   Public water supply. Where adequate public water supply is within reasonable distance, as determined by the city engineer, the developer shall contract with Consumers Illinois Water Company, or the public water purveyor serving the locality, to construct a system of water mains and fire hydrants in accordance with the water purveyor's specifications and regulations. Connection with the public water supply and connections for each lot or potential building site shall be made as required by applicable city ordinances and/or the policies of the water purveyor.
Where a public water supply is not available, the developer shall provide for individual wells for each lot in the subdivision.
         (a)   Test wells. At least one test well shall be made in the area being platted for each 100 lots or for every 25 acres of area, whichever is the smaller. In cases where copies of the logs of existing wells located within the area being platted are available, this may be submitted in lieu of making test wells. Test wells shall be at least 25 feet in depth and shall produce safe potable drinking water at a rate of not less than five gallons per minute.
         (b)   A copy of the well log which will include the name and address of the well driller shall be submitted with the preliminary documents to the City Engineer.
      (2)   Location and construction of individual private wells.
         (a)   Shall comply with applicable city, county, or state health regulations.
         (b)   As a precaution against seepage, a water-tight seal shall be provided around the pump mounting.
         (c)   All abandoned wells shall be sealed in a manner that will render them water-tight. In all cases where it has been determined that individual water supplies from private wells are not feasible, a public water distribution system will be required.
      (3)   Public water distribution systems. Public wells and other public water distribution systems shall meet all applicable city, county and state ordinances.
Fire hydrants shall be installed throughout the subdivision in accordance with the current City Fire Prevention Code and Water Company Franchise Agreement.
   (I)   Monuments.
      (1)   Permanent monuments shall be placed at all corners and at points of current rangency of curve lines along the boundary of the subdivision. Permanent monuments may be square or round and shall be concrete with minimum dimensions of 4 inches and 36 inches long, with a dowel one half inch in diameter, of at least 2 feet in length, imbedded so that the top of the dowel shall be flush with the surface and at the center of the monument. Monumentation identification caps shall be required.
      (2)   Where permanent monuments occur in street pavement, a brass plate shall be used as specified in the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction."
      (3)   All lot corners not marked by concrete monuments shall be marked by galvanized or wrought iron pipe or iron or steel bars at least 24 inches in length and not less than five eighths inch in diameter. The top of the pipe or bar is to be set level with the established grade of the ground.
      (4) In addition, a minimum of one permanent bench mark shall be established for each plat subdivided and at a location designated by the City Engineer. This monument shall be of concrete with a minimum dimension of four inches and 48 inches long with a brass plate securely fastened to the surface. On the brass plate shall be inscribed the number and elevation of the bench mark.
   (J)   Street signs. The developer shall purchase the posts and signs and the city shall install all street name signs. Such signs shall conform to city standards.
   (K)   Planting screens.
      (1)   The developer shall plant, install, construct or otherwise provide all fences, planting strips, or other required buffers along lot lines of houses within any development backing up to or adjoining any existing or future:
         (a)   Arterial city streets.
         (b)   Commercial area, industrial areas.
         (c)   Subdivision entranceway.
         (d)   Proposed or existing ditch or natural channel.
      (2)   The developer shall enclose any hazard which in the opinion of the Commission might create a public nuisance. Said improvements shall be constructed according to standards established by the Department.
   (L)   Street lighting. Street lighting may be required and shall be installed in accordance with current minimum standards as set forth by the appropriate municipality. Within the city, street lighting shall meet the standard requirements of the Electrical Contract Ordinance No. 6969. If a higher standard than Class D is desired, the developer shall negotiate with Illinois Power and shall follow their schedule of rates. Such installation shall be completed within one year after the completion of subdivision construction, where deemed necessary by the Commission.
   (M)   Other public utilities. All public utility lines for telephone and electric services shall be placed underground entirely throughout a subdivided area; said conduits or cables shall be placed in dedicated public ways or easements when necessary in a manner which will not conflict with other underground service. In general, all power distribution lines shall be placed underground and it shall be the obligation of the developer to show cause for not burying said utilities.
   (N)   Landscaping, street trees.
      (1)   All approved areas shall be graded and seeded in a manner approved by the Department. Street trees may be required and planted in the public street rights-of-ways not less than four feet from any sidewalk, utility easement or curb and in no case closer than 15 feet of any sanitary sewer line. Trees shall be spaced not less than 50 feet, nor more than 100 feet apart. However, at street intersections, trees shall be located at least 30 feet from intersection of the street right-of-way lines.
      (2)   Trees shall not be of the following or any other brittle wood or species subject to extreme vulnerability from insects or diseases: Elms, willows, poplars, box elders, silver maple and hackberry. All trees shall be of a diameter of not less than two inches measured at six inches above the ground level and the developer shall furnish certification to the Department that said trees are free from disease.
      (3)   All trees shall be maintained by the original developer until established and all trees not in vigorous growing condition after one year shall be replaced by said developer. After one year, the maintenance of the tree shall become the responsibility of the landowner.
(Ord. 8290, passed 12-17-02)