(A)   Any person or business desiring to engage in the business (full or part-time) of installing or altering electrical equipment in the city shall first be licensed and registered in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter, and Chapter 165. This license and registration shall be known as a Class "A" license and registration.
   (B)   Applicants not holding a valid current license shall be required to take and pass a written test offered and administered by a private entity in cooperation with the International Code Council. This procedure shall not apply to applicants seeking annual renewal of an existing license. If an applicant desires to pursue receipt of a license the applicant must first complete and submit a license application on the form provided by the department. The Electrical Inspector will then review the application and determine whether the applicant is qualified and approved to test. If approved to test the applicant will be provided an authorization to test through a Department approved agency. An applicant taking and passing the test will be issued an electrical license. Contractor registration shall then be completed in accordance with the procedures, and on the forms, described in Chapter 165. No license shall be issued to any applicant who has had a previous license issued by the city or any other municipality revoked or if the applicant is subject to a current suspension of a license issued by any other municipality.
   (C)   Contractors licensed in other cities shall be considered qualified to work in the city without taking the test described in this section, provided that the other city requires comparable testing prior to receipt of a license and said city has a reciprocal agreement to accept the qualifications of contractors licensed by this city. If the contractor's license issued by any other municipality is suspended or revoked, he or she will not be authorized to perform any work within the city and any license issued by the city shall be suspended or revoked.
   (D)   Before any electrical permit to install or alter electrical work is issued to any person entitled to secure permits under the preceding regulations, the contractor (owner), or a person appointed or employed by him, shall be designated as supervising electrician. The supervising electrician shall be a journeyman electrician, not less than 23 years of age, and be able to document at least five years apprenticeship or equivalent in the installation, alteration, repair, and maintenance of electrical wires, equipment, and apparatus, or an equivalent thereto. Applicants shall furnish the names and addresses of former employers, period of time employed, and capacity in which employed. Proof of service shall be furnished in a manner satisfactory to the Department.
   The designated supervising electrician is generally expected to supervise appropriately qualified electricians and to visit the work site often enough to insure the workmanlike installation of electrical work. If, in the opinion of the Department, a licensed contractor, for any reason fails to have their supervising electrician perform the on-site inspections needed to insure the protection of public health and safety, they may initiate appropriate actions to remedy the situation. The Department's options, to be selected at their discretion, shall include, but not be restricted to the following: designate, without actually licensing, one of the contractors other electricians as an acting-supervising electrician, provided the Department and Electrical Commission, after conducting an interview, is comfortable with the candidate's qualifications to supervise the work involved. The electrician shall generally be considered qualified if:
      (1)   He is 23 years old and has five years of relevant experience; or
      (2) He holds a union journeyman's card.
   Electrical contractors licensed in Danville for more than three consecutive years and having a creditable record of obtaining electrical permits and performing work according to the Code, shall be allowed to designate a supervising electrician without testing that individual. However, if the designated supervising electrician becomes unavailable to perform on-site inspections on a regular basis, as determined by the Department, the contractor shall present another electrician for testing and designation as a supervising electrician before any subsequent license can be renewed.
   (E)   If, in the opinion of the electrical inspector, any licensed electrical contractor has willfully or repeatedly violated any of the provisions of this chapter, the electrical inspector shall prefer charges against such offending registered electrical contractor to the Commission. The Commission shall immediately conduct an administrative hearing. The department and the accused contractor may invite witnesses to provide testimony before the Commission. If the contractor is found guilty by a majority vote, he shall be deemed guilty of violating this chapter, and his license may be suspended or revoked. In addition to any suspension, the Commission may require that the contractor take and pass the test described in division (B) of this section. Any unexpired registration fee shall be retained by the city as liquidated damages. The Department shall keep a suitable record of all contractor's licenses and enforcement activities pertaining to contractors.
(Ord. 9181, passed 12-4-18)