The provisions of this subsection shall apply to the operation of clean fill sites, as defined below, within the City.
   (A)   Clean Fill Site. A site 2,000 sq. ft. or greater in size on which uncontaminated. nonwater-soluble. nondecomposable inert solid material including soil, rock, stone, dredged material, used asphalt, and brick, block or concrete from construction and demolition activities and that is separate from other waste and recognizable as such is permitted to be placed.
   (B)   Compliance with Appendix J of the Building Code Regarding Grading. Any clean fill site shall comply with all applicable requirements of Appendix J of the Building Code regarding grading.
   (C)   Permit Required. In order for a site to be allowed to accept clean fill an application must be completed and an annual permit must first be obtained from the Department. The permit fee for a clean fill site shall be based on the size of the site and shall be calculated at $100 per acre. This permit must be renewed annually so long as the site continues to accept clean fill.
   (D)   Application and Submittals. The permit application shall be accompanied by all of the following:
      (1)   Site Survey and Site Plan that denotes the extents of the area to be filled and addresses the provisions of Sections 107 and J104.2 of the Building Code.
      (2)   Erosion Control Plan.
      (3)   Closure Plan that addresses compliance with division (F) below.
      (4)   Proof of compliance with all other applicable state and federal laws.
   (E)   Operations. The following shall apply to the operation of any clean fill site:
      (1)   Only clean fill as defined in division (A) shall be permitted to be used as fill material. Any other waste materials that are found to be discarded on the site shall be removed from the site immediately and properly disposed of. Failure to do so will result in the revocation of the clean fill site permit.
      (2)   Access to the clean fill site shall be controlled at all times through the use of either physical means such as gates and fences or by way of remote monitoring.
      (3)   Signage shall be erected at the entrance to the clean fill site that states that only clean fill or uncontaminated soil is accepted for use as fill.
   (F)   Site Closure. At the completion of filling activities the following steps shall be taken by the owner:
      (1)   All filled areas must be covered by sufficient uncontaminated soil to support vegetation within 30 days of the completion of filling. The minimum amount of uncontaminated soil to support vegetation is 1 foot.
      (2)   Final slopes and contours must be constructed to complement and blend with the surrounding topography.
(Ord. 8932, passed 4-1-14)