(A)   Subject to the other regulations below, a sign may be animated and may have changeable copy and may be illuminated with bare bulb, neon tube or flashing illumination as outlined in the table below:
Zoning District
Maximum Area of Animated Portion of Sign
Zoning District
Maximum Area of Animated Portion of Sign
Permitted to be animated and may contain changeable copy
50 square feet or max area for freestanding sign in § 150.115 whichever is less
32 square feet
Yes, provided the illumination is not from neon tube or flashing lights
After issuance of a Special Use Permit, permitted to be animated and may contain changeable copy
18 square feet
After issuance of a Special Use Permit, permitted to be animated and may contain changeable copy IF the lot contains a legally conforming nonresidential use as described in § 150.111(D)
   (B)   No animated or flashing sign shall project into any public right-of-way.
   (C)   No animated or flashing sign face within 50 feet of any public right-of-way may exceed 50 square feet in area.
   (D)   No animated or flashing sign shall contain or emit only red or green color unless located at least 150 feet from a traffic signal controlled intersection.
   (E)   A permanent sign may be non-illuminated, illuminated by internal, internal indirect, or external indirect illumination. Signs that are externally lit shall be illuminated only with steady, stationary, down-directed, and shielded light sources directed solely onto the sign.
   (F)   Any lighting fixture on a sign that is located within ten feet of a residential zoning district boundary or an existing residential use, or within ten feet of a public right-of-way, shall be aimed away from and shielded on the side closest to the residential use, residential zoning district, or public right-of-way.
   (G)   Signs which are illuminated by flashing, intermittent, or moving lights and located within 50 feet of a public street right-of-way shall be at least 20 feet (bottom of sign) above grade elevation.
   (H)   Animated or flashing signs shall be equipped with light sensing devices or a scheduled dimming timer which automatically dims the intensity of light emitted by the sign during ambient low-light and nighttime (dusk to dawn) conditions. The spillover at any property line shall not exceed one foot candle.
(Am. Ord. 8865, passed 2-19-13; Am. Ord. 8949, passed 6-17-14; Am. Ord. 9195, passed 3-19-19)