The system of numbering buildings shall be the decimal system, 100 numbers being assigned to each block. The even numbers shall be on the west side of the north and south streets and the south side of the east and west streets. For the east and west streets the numbers shall begin at Vermilion Street, and for the north and south streets they shall begin at Main Street. The figures of the numbers shall be at least 3 inches in length, legible, and placed in a conspicuous place at the side or above the front door of the building. The numbers shall be assigned by the City Engineer. Where new buildings have been built, or may be built, in blocks already numbered, the city Engineer shall renumber the buildings. It is the duty of the owners or occupants of all buildings so numbered or renumbered to accept the number assigned by the City Engineer. Any person who fails or refuses to number or renumber any building owned or occupied by him, or who numbers it with a different number than the one assigned, shall be punished as provided in § 100.99.
(Ord. 7472, passed 6-19-90; Am. Ord. 8941, passed 4-15-14)