(A)   Every person or firm who desires to enter into any contract of $20,000 or more with the city, and every party to any such contract when approved, shall submit to the city a written commitment sworn to and signed by an executive official in his or her official capacity. The Director shall provide the necessary forms for such commitment and shall require that the forms be completed and returned to the Director prior to approval of the contract. The forms provided may include, but are not limited to, the following statements and agreements:
      (1)   Set out the name and phone number of the bidder's equal employment opportunity officer or the person respon-sible for seeing that the goals of the equal employment opportunity policies are met;
      (2)   To maintain specific employment practices to achieve equal employment opportunities;
      (3)   To examine any training programs or other similar opportunities available through the person's or firm's organization to determine the level of minorities and women involved in such programs and opportunities and to take appropriate affirmative action to recruit minorities and women for such programs and opportunities if they are underutilized;
      (4)   To examine all job classifications to determine if minority persons or women are underutilized and take appropriate affirmative action to rectify any such underutilization by setting specific goals for participation by minority groups;
      (5)   To state in all solicitations or advertisements for employees, that all applicants will be afforded equal opportunity without unlawful discrimination;
      (6)   To submit to the city, on request, written evidence of the effectiveness of the above required practices, policies, and goals;
      (7)   To submit to the city, on request, statistical data concerning employee composition or membership composition on race, color, sex, and job description;
      (8)   To maintain a sexual harassment policy as outlined in division (B);
      (9)   To distribute copies of this commitment to all members of the employer who participate in recruitment, screening, referral, and selection of job applicants and prospective job applicants;
      (10)   The person or firm shall require all subcontractors, if any, to submit a written commitment meeting the above requirements; and
      (11)   To send to each labor organization or representative of workers with which it has or is bound by a collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding a notice advising of the person's or firm's obligations herein.
   The city, with respect to any person or firm who is unable to meet the requirements of the commitment, at the time it is to be submitted, may approve a contract with such person or firm. Such person or firm, if awarded the contract, shall be given a period of 60 days to meet the requirements and submit the commitment to the Director.
   (B)   Written sexual harassment policy.
      (1)   Every person or firm who desires to enter into any contract of $20,000 or more with the city, and every party to any such contract when approved, shall have a written sexual harassment policy that include at least the following information;
         (a)   The illegality of sexual harassment;
         (b)   The definition of sexual harassment, under Illinois law; a description of sexual harassment, utilizing examples;
         (c)   The person's or firm's internal complaint process including penalties;
         (d)   The legal recourse, and the investigative and complaint process available through the city's Human Relations Division or the Illinois Department of Human Rights;
         (e)   Directions on how to contact the Department and Commission; and
         (f)   Protection against retaliation.
      (2)   A copy of the policy shall be provided to the Director upon request.
      (3)   Any person or firm who has not adopted such a written sexual harassment policy at the time it is requested shall be given a period of 60 days to adopt such written policy.
(Ord. 7793, passed 11-7-95; Am. Ord. 8140, passed 11-7-00; Am. Ord. 9146, passed 5-1-18)