For purposes of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings ascribed to them respectively.
   (A)   "BOARD OF HEALTH." The board of health provided for in § 94.02, acting as a board or through its duly authorized representative or director of health or other health authority.
   (B)   "COMPANY." The Interstate Water Company or its duly authorized representative.
   (C)   "DAM NO. 1." The dam constructed in the North Fork of the Vermilion River at the company's pumping station in the city, forming Reservoir No. 1.
   (D)   "DAM NO. 2." The dam constructed in the North Fork of the Vermilion River in Blount Township in the east half of the northwest quarter of section 31, township 20 north, range 11 west of the second principal meridian, forming Reservoir No. 2.
   (E)   "DENMARK BRIDGE." The county highway bridge over the North Fork of the Vermilion River on the relocated Denmark Road in the southeast quarter of section 30, township 20 north, range 11 west of the second principal meridian in Blount and Newell Townships.
   (F)   "DIXIE HIGHWAY BRIDGE." The bridge over the North Fork of the Vermilion River on the Dixie Highway in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 8, township 20 north, range 11 west of the second principal meridian in Newell Township.
   (G)   "DRAINAGE AREA." That area of land or water that drains to the North Fork of the Vermilion River above Dam No. 1.
   (H)   "HIGH-WATER MARK." As applied to Reservoir No. 1, the contour known as 538 referred to United States government elevations as obtained from the United States government bench mark established on the steps of the post office building in the city, and as applied to Reservoir No. 2, the contour known as 575, referred to such United States government bench mark.
   (I)   "INTAKE." The place in the company's Dam No. 1 at its pumping station where the water supply for the city is taken into the conduit or pipe from Reservoir No. l to the pumping station.
   (J)   "RESERVOIRS." The artificial Reservoir No. 1 formed by Dam No. 1 and that portion of the North Fork of the Vermilion River extending to Dam No. 2 and the artificial Reservoir No. 2 formed by Dam No. 2.
   (K)   "WATERCOURSE." Any stream or channel or natural or artificial spring of any kind in which water flows continuously or intermittently over any part of the drainage area into any part of a reservoir directly or indirectly. ('69 Code, § 36.1)